Re: Weak and Feeble Search Engines
Brandon9000 wrote:What do you have to do to get a more thorough search?
Have you seen the A2K toolbar?
It may or may not help, it will have any good engines but the problem might be existence and not your knowledge of them.
There are only two engines with good indexes, Google and Yahoo (with includes Alltheweb, Altavista etc).
The next big engine is the Teoma/ Ask Jeeves index.
After this, there is a big drop.
Wisenut is one you did not mention, it's the looksmart engine.
Gigablast is a one-man project that does ok, it has a small index.
The others are mostly just templated syndicated databases, heck I'll throw a search engine up here on A2K when I find a free 5 minutes.