Sun 25 Jul, 2004 10:36 pm
Quote:"The implications of this spot have scientists on the edge of their seats," NASA said in a statement Friday. "If the active region generates coronal mass ejections (CMEs), massive explosions with a potential force of a billion megaton bombs, it will be a fairly direct hit to Earth and its satellites and power grids."
i'm making my tin-foil hat now.......
Man - now I have to worry about the damn sun having ACNE!!!!!?????
make your tin-foil hat now, use the heavy duty kind........
Don't we have to ground the tinfoil hats?
you can't be over cautious.......
Has anyone noticed the flocking of new members who have recently been blighted by love? Sunspots! I'm sure of that.
"blighted by love" i love it
Do you know, I broke off with a man I've been dating for 3 years. I saw him just once or twice a month at best. He actually told me that he loved me AFTER I told him the reasons for the break up and we agreed it was for the best. Blighted Love, indeed.
Anyway, sunspots and solar flares are always worrisome, but even at the height of the last cycle (which we just went through), nothing was terribly disrupted.
i'll remember that last sentence lil'k when the lights go out.........
Why do folk come to a web site with love-blight?
Because we're such nice, sympathetic, non-judgemental people?
Because their friends all have Compassion Fatigue?
Because this is the Age of Aquarius?
None of the above.