The part of the UK where I live is holding a referendum in September to decide if we want a "Regional Assembly". This follows logically on from the creation of the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh & Northern Irish Assemblies.
The three English regions which will be voting are the North East, North West and Yorkshire & Humber. This is basically the entire North of England. The other English regions apparently expressed less desire to be allowed the choice and will be looked at again at a later date.
Should these English Regional Assemblies come into existence, they will be resonsible for matters of:
economic development
skills and employment
culture, tourism and sport
land use and regional planning
environmental protection, biodiversity and waste
public health
fire and rescue service
My specific point here is to find out what opinions (if any!) the British members of A2K have about these Regional Assemblies, and indeed the wider picture of devolution in the UK:
- Has it worked in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland?
- Will it work for the regions of England?
- Is it all a waste of taxpayers money by needlessly employing more Government paper-pushers?
- Or will it provide the regions concerned with better governance?
On a wider level, I am aware that many other countries have had regional government (be it States, Provinces, Duchies or whatever) for a long time, and would also like to hear from anyone else with views on such matters in their own country.
The legislative powers of such entities obviously varies enormously. I can't imagine for example that Tony Blair will allow Yorkshire & Humber to bring back the death penalty for murder! :wink:
Any views on regional versus central government from anywhere in the world are welcome. Thanks.