I wouldnt add the fertilizer until the seeds had germinated. I hope you are making several "germination cups" of each intended fertilizer mix so that you have representative samplings. Remember, if its an experiment."Keep everything else consistent" only vary one or two things at most per test cup (or whatever youre germinating the plants in)
What are you planting, grasses?
As far as mixes, do you know how to make volumetric or weight/weight proportion calculations?
Youre not being too clear, are you now going to take your given concentrations and further dilute them so that they are the same as your neighbors?
Whatever, seeds dont need fertilizers to germinate and , unless your solution mix is low enough, you could burn th little plants as they germinate.
Im not familiar with "Aquasol" an I run a farm with tearly plantings of soy beans, hay crops and rye grass for "green chop"