Mon 19 Jul, 2004 06:23 pm
I'm brand new on this site, so apologies if I'm asking a horribly 'newbie' question.
Just back from Bangkok. Purchased a bunch of movie DVDs there. Strangely, the cheapo, bootleg US films work fine. Thai movies, however, do NOT play on our regular DVD player, and only one of them plays on my Sony VIAO.
HELP! Any program I can use. I LOVE Thai culture, and spent a fair amount of money on movies, all in Thai with English subtitles, and now can't watch them.
Any help appreciated.
I'm not sure about DVD's but when Video made its appearance Europe, Japan and the US would all use different formats (PAL, Seacam, VHS). I suppose this was to prevent copying and fraud. I suspect DVD's are the same. I will investigate further and let you know my results - unless someone else already knows.
They probably have incompatible country codes. See here:
International DVD compatibility
Yea, I almost ended up buying "Broken Hearts Club" on DVD from England but in the wrong format. Went into Target and they had a respectable but small selection of DVD's for $5.00. Ditto going to Costco or Sam's Club. Why buy movies filmed with a shaky palm camera in a movie theater of poor picture and sound quality? I just don't understand. Join the Columbia House and get seven or more of them for less than $20.00. One can drop out after buying a few more movies and rejoin, getting the promotional deal each time.