maxdancona wrote:
Quote:I do not begrudge anyone having wealth and power. I am just grateful for living in their country.
I think many of us disagree with the idea that the country belongs to them rather than to all of us.
The concept I am comfortable with includes the thinking that some of us have more vested, and invested, in this country continuing to have a capitalistic system that includes the right to one's property and the influence that wealth affords.
Therefore, I believe that an argument can be made, based on ethics, that the wealthy have every right to steer this proverbial ship (of state). If one looks at the baby headstones in old cemeteries, one might realize that those that came here before the Industrial Revolution, saw many within a family have a short life, dying of diseases/fevers that we do not have to deal with. Simply put, my family, and others that came in the latter half of the nineteenth century, came to a country where all the proverbial "heavy lifting" was already done by other demographics, so they could live a life that was better than the world in Europe. Remember, this country was often populated by those who were the losers in the European social class system. So now 165 or so years later, some of their descendants have decided that they should be EQUAL in influence to those who struggled two-hundred years earlier, than their relatives' arrival, so this country could be an alternative to the poverty for many in Europe?
Excuse me for trying to know my place in a society that affords opportunity to those that can do. And, as Woody Allen said, those that can't do, teach. And those that can't teach, teach gym.
Also, notice the progression of wanting unearned influence. Once upon a time, one had to own property/land to have a vote. Well, now non-propertied citizens can vote. And now I see an attempt to level the playing field, by making wealth not a criteria for one's influence, regardless if one can vote. And, in my opinion, some people that vote just look upon reading as a chore, just like many considered algebra homework (reading is my criterion for the willingness to think). Does anyone vote on what will make this country remain a decent nation, or just feather their own nests, so to speak?