abby12345 wrote:We have 3 dogs, they have three dogs, we have always been ok with each others dogs visiting. We live next door to each other in an open field setting. I just wish my husband would lighten up. I love my friend and to me you don't sweat the small stuff especially things that can be fixed or repaired. So he wants a nice yard and that is great..I just wish friendship meant more to him.
I suspect your husband isn't going to "lighten up" at all. While you can easily dismiss it as somthing that can be easily fixed he may see the yard as his "art". Yeah, it can be fixed but if he's out there working on the yard and trying to get things a certian way and your friend's dog is tearing up I'd be pissed too. The freindship may be more important to you than the yard is but it's your friend - not his (from what I've gathered here).
Quote:The dogs are free to run like they are meant to be and we have never had problems before.
I know a whole lot of people that'd quickly disagree with this. "Free" dogs get hit by cars, biten by rabid animals and make a nusiance of themselves. Your friend has pets - not wild animals. The difference between them is that wild animals are meant to be "free". Pets are meant to be under the control of their owners at all times.
Quote:I just want peace and love and don't sweat the small stuff compared to friendship.
Well, I'm operating here with exteremely limited info but you've reitterated this a few times now.
Hey, I'm all in favor of friendship but it seems to me that you are allowing someone to do whatever they please in the name of friendship and ignoring what your husband may think is important in the process. It's a two way street. You can't just dismiss what he considers important and expect him not to do the same to you in return.
If you've had this friendship for 15 years I'd hope you'd be able to resolve the issue fairly easily. I suspect there is a middle ground here where your neighbor could keep their dogs under control and the yard problem goes away. If this neighbor is a good friend they'd understand that the yard is important to your husband and wouldn't let their dogs dig it up and they wouldn't have any heartburn about controlling their dogs.