Fri 14 Aug, 2015 10:23 pm
* Your chance to include some of your favorite or most interesting skeleton or artifact finds.
"Lucy: cira 3.8 million-3.2 million B.C."
- Lucy came in a set of 46 bones in dug up in one general area. This was an important find because it stated that the Australopithecus could walk. This skeleton also preserved it's pelvis in the ground. This is unlikely because the pelvis is very thin and fragile. Judging from it's shape, truth be told Lucy was a girl.
"Taung Child/Baby: 3 million B.C."
-Taung Child/Baby, the skull of an Australopithecus africanus. It was not over four years when it died. The Taung Child had a brain evolution that would slowly transition into the Homo Habilis.
@Student Ally,
tell the truth. Im dubious about the implied accuracy regarding the dates of the matrices in which these fossils were found. The error bar has got to be huuge for specimens from laeitoli and the Afar. Taung baby was dated much later and Ive never been satified that its context (geomorphic) is even accurate.