Sat 11 Jan, 2003 05:35 pm
Dog IQ test
This was fun, hopefully my link works.
Not quite Dr. Coren's test, but still a lot of fun. Of course, Bailey scored off the scale! Cleo's not doin' too badly - she still has some manipulation to master. Or is that some ehBeth and Setanta to manipulate?
Thanks for the link, sublime. Dog stuff is better than chocolate for me.
Pacco hears the keys from four rooms away, even if I pick them up quietly, sneaky-like. He noses the bell hanging from the back door knob if he needs to go out. Didn't try the box thing, furniture thing, or treat under couch thing yet.
I have every confidence, however....
Great find Sublime and welcome welcome
to A2K! Now, let me know when you find
one for CATS!
ossoB - Bailey's at the point that he knows the difference between going-to-work socks and not-going-to-work socks and going-for-a-walk socks. Cleo has only mastered going-to-work socks. She tries to prevent me getting dressed when work clothes are laid out. Smart creatures to have found us and taken over our lives.
typing training
I've told you before, it's I before E except after C.
Don't they teach you anything at dog's training ?
My dog is smarter then all of them. She just lays there and groans until you bring the biscuit to her - won't even stretch her nose too far to get it.
If it's time to go out and she doesn't feel like it, we pick her up off the floor - a not-so-light golden retriever and spend 20 minutes coaxing her to the door with beef jerky.
This dog had her own gray leather loveseat in the living room that no one else was allowed to sit on.
We're the idiots. She's 14 years old and cranky, but you've never seen a dog waited on so much in your life.

Love it, John. and don't forget"... and in words that rhyme with weigh and lay."
A friend has a black lab that is the best trained non-hunting dog I have ever seen. Extremely intelligent.
Then again, I've seen some extremely intelligent dogs that would bite your hand off rather than do what YOU want to do, and that they don't. Alpha males and pregnant females come to mind.