Sat 11 Jan, 2003 03:08 pm
This may be a gimmee, but I can't figure it out! I am looking for a holiday-connected word that can be made by unscrambling the following letters: arksina. I tried aniraks (thinking the person misspelled 'anaraks,' but no). Help.
I ran the letters through a few unscramblers online. Got nothing. Can you be more specific about what holiday?
Is this an American holiday?
Is it religious?
Maybe not a gimmee
I too tried anagram sites, etc. This was from a list of about 12 words dealing with December-ish holidays and related accoutrements from 'Chanukah' to 'evergreen' to 'presents.' The first 11 were gimmees, but this last one is a stumper. I'm wondering if there may be a Korean connection as the writer is stationed in Korea. Just a guess.
Well, I can't think of anything else. Maybe tomorrow (I'm a little hung-over today).
How about Arkansas; isn't that where Santa lives in the summer?
Now don't be anoyed; I was just "AARSKIN" !
Kinaras is the answer, bermbits.
According to Merriam-Webster, a kinara is "a candelabrum with seven candlesticks used in celebrating Kwanzaa".
macsm11: Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
You're are quite welcome, bermbits.