Mon 6 Jul, 2015 07:50 am
I have been asking around and can't find anyone who knows, this is the first year I have seen them even though I have had my honeysuckle Bush for about 5 years. The Bush recently reached about 10 ft tall and about the same width. When I am out watering my flowers I have noticed not only lots of hummingbirds but dozens and dozens of bees that look just like honeybees but they are black and white and fuzzy. While looking them up I first thought leaf cutter, but they don't behave that way, they collect the nectar from the flowers just like honeybees, and they don't act very solitary. I am located in Oklahoma. I haven't seen honeybees in years, but now I see these bees everywhere around my yard. Don't know if it's important, but I also live on Grand Lake next to the water.
lots of other ground bees and insects have stepped up as pollinators. Theyve always been there but, with the decline of honybees, we too see many more of these other pollinators. Its loosestrife , Monarda, and coneflower blooming time and Ive been taking pictures of all sorts of pollinators (Im doing this for a colleague whose an entymologist and shes doing research on pollinator changes for the fruit and berry industry