Mon 5 Jul, 2004 01:09 am
Within the last twenty four hours I have heard two bits of music that really engaged me.
As I pulled up to a party this evening I heard the announcer on the college station mention Marley's Ghost after a moment of singing by Jon Wilcox, whom I think they didn't mention. I happen to remember Jon, I worked with him a long time ago, and I was stunned to hear his wonderful voice as I pulled up my car.
One of my lifetime musical experiences was being at their house and the musicians going out to the deck on the large lawn and holding forth in a way I haven't heard since. I'll be ordering some cd's...
Re Yma Sumac, my business partner's husband brought us a couple of her cds and we played one at last night's opening. I loved it, loved it, am nutso over it. The title is The Ultimate Yma Sumac Collection (Capitol Records).