Thu 1 Jul, 2004 03:12 pm
a fluffly little half-breed siamese. She's really cute, (will post pics soon) but pigsy (my other cat) doesn't like her. Although, as soon as pigsy seen the new baby she ran right up to it and started licking it. Pigsy was acting just like a mother cat. She was calling the baby, trying to get it to follow her and stuff, but now she hates it. She growls and hisses at the little thing. Weirdest thing i've ever seen with cats. We're trying to get her to use the kitty litter box, but so far she hasn't, hopefully very very soon. My bf felt the need to mother the kitten all night, protecting it from pigsy, and saying how we have to make it feel really loved, bla bla bla, cause it probably misses it's family. Just a little Anyway, I just thought I'd share my story, give me some hints if you like, i'll post some pics later.
Awwwww! I love little kittycats!
What's her name?
Yeah, thats the part we don't know yet. We were thinking about calling her "turkey", but for now we're just calling her "baby".
I once had a kitty named kitty when I was a kid.
We were a family of 10 kids, always bringing home strays. We brought this kitty home and whenever we discussed what to name it, my father said "Name it Goodbye! You're not keepting it!"
So we called it kitty for years
I have a name for your cat.
You can call it loper for short. Kinda catchy.
I'm sure Pigsy would agree with that choice!
My sig. other and I just introduced an "interloper" into our household - queen kitty is less than thrilled. Any idea how to ease the transition? It may, however, be impossible, queen kitty is quite set in her ways...
is it wrong to find the kitten SO MUCH friggin' cuter?
Re: we got a new kitty
stand up for pessimism wrote: She growls and hisses at the little thing. Weirdest thing i've ever seen with cats.
~ Congratulations on your new kitty! She sound's sooo cute.
Cats are territorial creatures. Pigsy has had her domain a while. Sometimes, the hissing and howling is just a warning, like "hey don't bug me right now" or "keep your distance". Kittens tend to want to play. Older cats are more lazy. They like to lie in the sun in peace. (so to speak) After some time, Pigsy will get used to the fact she now has kitty around. They may not be super buddies but they will hang around each other, just at a slight distance. For example, if kitty is on the couch, Pigsy will sit on the chair nearby. Does Pigsy attack kitty? Keep us posted!
Pigsy is having mood swings, one second she's loving the kitty like her baby, licking her and such, and the next minute she's growling. I think it's ok as long as the kitty does whatever pigsy wants. They've been playfully chasing eachother around the house, so hopefully. Pigsy definatly isn't herself, so I hope she gets over it soon.
Congratulations! I love cats
Thanks for the link.
We named the kitty izabelle, and her and pigsy have settled in just great. They are starting to run around chasing eachother lots and I find i'm having to pick up things they drop all the time. That will have to
I think the older gal will ease into things. If you can keep them from actual contact but let them be in the same room for longer periods, I think things will ease up.
I agree with the other comment. The hissing might be more bravado than actual destructive threats. The old girl is just trying to make sure the pecking order is established firmly and that the kitten doesn't mistake her for an on demand play toy.