The Bible. Myth or Reality?

Reply Thu 14 May, 2015 09:31 am
The bible still is the best book of ancient history.
Show me the section on the fall of Rome, or the Ancient History of the Chinese, or Alexander the Great .
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2015 11:51 am
I think reality
Reply Thu 14 May, 2015 07:44 pm
@Greatest I am,
Greatest I am wrote:
The Bible. Myth or Reality?

Greatest I am
Reply Tue 19 May, 2015 10:06 am
Miller wrote:

The reality of the Bible is reflected in the World of today . Human nature is the same as it's been for thousands of years and will continue to be, till the end of all time.

As Koheleth has written:

"Only that shall happen,
Which has happened,
Only that occur
Which has occurred;
There is nothing new
Beneath the sun!"

Ecclesiastes ( Chapter 1)

Are you suggesting that most of us can be as vile as the God shown in scriptures

0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Tue 19 May, 2015 10:24 am
gungasnake wrote:

The Bible is true as far as it goes, but it leaves out any sort of a prehistory of the planet prior to Adam and Eve.

True? Including talking animals and a water walking God?


0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Tue 19 May, 2015 10:27 am
carloslebaron wrote:

The word Adam is from the Sumerian word Adapa which means all of mankind . So the creation of Adam was the creation of ALL men and women . Some later writer felt the need to justify women as not equal by writing in the story of women's creation, probably from another Mesopotamian creation story .

Your message shows ignorance the most.

Adam in Hebrew means red-clay. Because was formed from clay dirt. Simple.

And the best of the best. It is more and more accepted that birds are descendants of dinosaurs, this is to say, dinosaurs didn't pass to extinction but degenerate into a new form of species.

The Bible has been vindicated with this scientific acceptance, because from long ago, it has been discovered that T-Rex had feathers, meaning that was a bird. And the Bible establishes that after grass and tress, fish and birds were created.

The bible still is the best book of ancient history.


0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Tue 19 May, 2015 10:36 am
DianeBlack wrote:

I think reality

Including talking animals and all the other miracles?

0 Replies
Greatest I am
Reply Tue 19 May, 2015 10:37 am
rosborne979 wrote:

Greatest I am wrote:
The Bible. Myth or Reality?


Yes I am.

Faith closes the mind. It is pure idol worship.

Faith is a way to quit using, "God given" power of Reason and Logic, and cause the faithful to embrace doctrines that moral people reject.

The God of the OT says, “Come now, and let us reason together,” [Isaiah 1:18]

How can literalists reason with God when they must ignore reason and logic and discard them when turning into literalist?

Those who are literalists can only reply somewhat in the fashion that Martin Luther did.
“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”
“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”

This attitude effectively kills all worthy communication that non-theists can have with theist. Faith closes the mind as it is pure idol worship.

Literalism is an evil practice that hides the true messages of myths. We cannot show our faith based friends that they are wrong through their faith colored glasses. Their faith also plugs their ears.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Jun, 2015 06:57 pm
@Greatest I am,
All other responses contrary or in support of this here claim are rendered unnoteworthy:

The Bible is Factual. I can prove it in-and-out.

I can do things with the Bible you never even thought were possible or heard of before. I can also prove the Bible with the Quran and vice versa, rendering the Quran in full support of Christianity. And in Addition, I am also a Mythologist as all mythologies are monotheist in nature.

peace be upon you all.
Reply Fri 26 Jun, 2015 07:36 pm
GorDie wrote:

All other responses contrary or in support of this here claim are rendered unnoteworthy:

The Bible is Factual. I can prove it in-and-out.

I can do things with the Bible you never even thought were possible or heard of before. I can also prove the Bible with the Quran and vice versa, rendering the Quran in full support of Christianity. And in Addition, I am also a Mythologist as all mythologies are monotheist in nature.

peace be upon you all.

I'll take up your challenge. I bet it is only amazing to you, I doubt I would be amazed at all, except unless you mean amazed at how absurd your reasoning is.

The reason the Bible and the Quran support each other is because islam and christianity are the SAME religion.
Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 06:05 am
Reading your posts is like listening to a three year old tell me about the world... except without all the innocence and cuteness.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 06:54 am
In another thread you claimed logic and reason lead you to atheism...and you claimed atheism is just the lack of belief in any gods.

I consider both those claims to be nonsense.

You seem to be having a good time telling GorDie how stupid and illogical he/she is.

So tell me: Are there any gods?
Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 07:10 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
So tell me: Are there any gods?[/b]

We both know there are not.

It's absurd to say well even though we can't verify them there is still potential that they do. If that is the case then ANYTHING no matter how absurd it is, has the potential to exist. Flying pink elephant unicorns exist then. So do gremlins and fairies. The list would be endless of the absurdities unless you want to hold out for special pleading. Gods are an exception to the rule?

Not only that but even if a god exists, I see no way in which it impacts me what so ever. Because anything suggested about this god is pure conjecture. Yet people assume this god always has their best interest in mind and that it has done everything for them. Seems rather silly to come to that conclusion logically since there are an infinite amount of possibilities yet that is the only one they come to.

It is irrelevant if something exists that in no way impacts my life. If you claim it does impact, I don't see it. I'm not going to make **** up as an attempt to justify it's impact. If you use that line of reasoning then anything becomes suggestive.

You are left with this abstract unverifiable hypothesis which is just as equal to a non-existent possibility. If the two are so equally matched it is safe to assume that no god exists. We reason this way all the time. At least reasonable people do. Otherwise why don't you blame malfunctioning things on gremlins and faeries? Maybe you don't, but I wouldn't be surprised if you said that you do. Because it's stupid.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 07:22 am
Krumple wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
So tell me: Are there any gods?[/b]

We both know there are not.

Actually...neither of us "knows" that...as you acknowledge later in this response.

It's absurd to say well even though we can't verify them there is still potential that they do. If that is the case then ANYTHING no matter how absurd it is, has the potential to exist. Flying pink elephant unicorns exist then. So do gremlins and fairies. The list would be endless of the absurdities unless you want to hold out for special pleading. Gods are an exception to the rule?

It is not absurd at all to say that we do not know if gods exist.

To suggest that you know there are no gods...IS absurd.

Not only that but even if a god exists....


I see no way in which it impacts me what so ever.

I am pretty sure that if there are beings living on planets located in the furthest galaxy from our own...there is no way you could see in which they could "impact" you. But that is not a logical reason to assert they cannot exist.

Since you were being so schmarmy to others because of what you perceive to be a lack of logic on their part, Krumple, I expected better in your response.

Why not think this over for a bit...and answer the question again...this time using a bit of the logic and reason you are pretending led you to your atheism.

Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 08:28 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Krumple wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
So tell me: Are there any gods?[/b]

We both know there are not.

Actually...neither of us "knows" that...as you acknowledge later in this response.

It's absurd to say well even though we can't verify them there is still potential that they do. If that is the case then ANYTHING no matter how absurd it is, has the potential to exist. Flying pink elephant unicorns exist then. So do gremlins and fairies. The list would be endless of the absurdities unless you want to hold out for special pleading. Gods are an exception to the rule?

It is not absurd at all to say that we do not know if gods exist.

To suggest that you know there are no gods...IS absurd.

Not only that but even if a god exists....


I see no way in which it impacts me what so ever.

I am pretty sure that if there are beings living on planets located in the furthest galaxy from our own...there is no way you could see in which they could "impact" you. But that is not a logical reason to assert they cannot exist.

Since you were being so schmarmy to others because of what you perceive to be a lack of logic on their part, Krumple, I expected better in your response.

Why not think this over for a bit...and answer the question again...this time using a bit of the logic and reason you are pretending led you to your atheism.

Where there is a lack of evidence you can rule out the plausibility. People always attempt to claim a lack of evidence is not evidence of absence. But a lack of evidence is just the same as if there was nothing to even leave any evidence. They are exactly equal.

You use this mind every day. You wouldn't be able to function in this world at all if you didn't rationalize reality using this mind.

I've used this example many times attempting to point this fact out. Imagine you believe invisible cars are real things. You would never be able to feel safe to cross the street because you have no idea where these invisible cars are.

Why hold out for the logical conclusion if there is not even 1 piece of evidence that suggests you should? This is how you can know there are no gods. Just like you know gremlins aren't behind the malfunctioning of things around you when they break. Or just like you know it wasn't faeries that hid your car keys.

Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 09:00 am
Where there is a lack of evidence you can rule out the plausibility. People always attempt to claim a lack of evidence is not evidence of absence. But a lack of evidence is just the same as if there was nothing to even leave any evidence. They are exactly equal.

Absolute blather. You are doing what theists do to defend their guesses...pretending that the absurd it reasonable.

You use this mind every day. You wouldn't be able to function in this world at all if you didn't rationalize reality using this mind.

I have no idea of what you want, unsuccessfully, to say here.

I've used this example many times attempting to point this fact out. Imagine you believe invisible cars are real things. You would never be able to feel safe to cross the street because you have no idea where these invisible cars are.

You are being absurd.

The answer to the question, "Are there gods?"...is: I do not know.

Anyone who says "Yes, there definitely are" or "No, there definitely are not"...is simply stating a blind guess as a fact.

You are doing that, Krumple...and you are trying to make it seem reasonable and logical.

It is not working.

Why hold out for the logical conclusion if there is not even 1 piece of evidence that suggests you should?

All you have to do to be logical about this...is acknowledge that you do not know.

But if you want to do the blind guessing your are doing...you really should not poke so much fun at people who are doing the same thing..only in a different direction.

This is how you can know there are no gods.

I do not know there are no gods...and neither do you.

Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 09:12 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Where there is a lack of evidence you can rule out the plausibility. People always attempt to claim a lack of evidence is not evidence of absence. But a lack of evidence is just the same as if there was nothing to even leave any evidence. They are exactly equal.

Absolute blather. You are doing what theists do to defend their guesses...pretending that the absurd it reasonable.

You use this mind every day. You wouldn't be able to function in this world at all if you didn't rationalize reality using this mind.

I have no idea of what you want, unsuccessfully, to say here.

I've used this example many times attempting to point this fact out. Imagine you believe invisible cars are real things. You would never be able to feel safe to cross the street because you have no idea where these invisible cars are.

You are being absurd.

The answer to the question, "Are there gods?"...is: I do not know.

Anyone who says "Yes, there definitely are" or "No, there definitely are not"...is simply stating a blind guess as a fact.

You are doing that, Krumple...and you are trying to make it seem reasonable and logical.

It is not working.

Why hold out for the logical conclusion if there is not even 1 piece of evidence that suggests you should?

All you have to do to be logical about this...is acknowledge that you do not know.

But if you want to do the blind guessing your are doing...you really should not poke so much fun at people who are doing the same thing..only in a different direction.

This is how you can know there are no gods.

I do not know there are no gods...and neither do you.

If you were an investigator, you would be horrible at your job because you would constantly be saying, "I don't know".

You think you are being reasonable by leaving the door open on the possibility. But it silly to do so because there is no good reason to suggest that you should. If there was a tiny piece of evidence that suggested that there might be a god then by all means it would be rational to leave the door open. But there is nothing. To leave the door open on this contradicts everything else you do in reality.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 09:27 am
If you were an investigator, you would be horrible at your job because you would constantly be saying, "I don't know".

No, I wouldn't make a horrible investigator...and I would not necessarily constantly be saying, "I don't know."

I just would not say that I know things I do not know...which is something you seem to do a lot. There is no reason for that, Krumple. You can make many of the arguments you are trying to make without resorting to that illogical stuff.

You think you are being reasonable by leaving the door open on the possibility. But it silly to do so because there is no good reason to suggest that you should. If there was a tiny piece of evidence that suggested that there might be a god then by all means it would be rational to leave the door open. But there is nothing. To leave the door open on this contradicts everything else you do in reality.

You are totally unreasonable...and should not be giving lectures to others about reason, Krumple.

There MAY BE all sorts of evidence for gods...but you are suggesting that no evidence is evidence of a god.

Existence itself MAY BE evidence of a god.

We do not know.

Silly people...illogical people...assert there ARE gods...or there ARE NO gods.

Logical people simply acknowledge that they do not know.
Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 11:05 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

If you were an investigator, you would be horrible at your job because you would constantly be saying, "I don't know".

No, I wouldn't make a horrible investigator...and I would not necessarily constantly be saying, "I don't know."

I just would not say that I know things I do not know...which is something you seem to do a lot. There is no reason for that, Krumple. You can make many of the arguments you are trying to make without resorting to that illogical stuff.

You think you are being reasonable by leaving the door open on the possibility. But it silly to do so because there is no good reason to suggest that you should. If there was a tiny piece of evidence that suggested that there might be a god then by all means it would be rational to leave the door open. But there is nothing. To leave the door open on this contradicts everything else you do in reality.

You are totally unreasonable...and should not be giving lectures to others about reason, Krumple.

There MAY BE all sorts of evidence for gods...but you are suggesting that no evidence is evidence of a god.

Existence itself MAY BE evidence of a god.

We do not know.

Silly people...illogical people...assert there ARE gods...or there ARE NO gods.

Logical people simply acknowledge that they do not know.

What I have been trying to point out to you is that you ONLY use this line of reasoning on a god's existence. Everything else in your life you don't use this line of reasoning on. You are not being consistent. There is motivation as to why you claim to take this stance on this one issue. But completely ignore that the rest of your life and how you go about interacting in the world does not reflect that you have this attitude towards everything else. If you did, you would be incapable of doing anything.

You wouldn't be able to eat.
You wouldn't be able to sleep.
You wouldn't be able to move.

Why? Because all absurdities come into play if you say, you can not know something is true even when there is a lack of evidence.

You don't behave this way because it is irrational to do so. Yet for this one topic you think it sounds perfectly reasonable. No it's not reasonable. You have no good reason to withhold the conclusion that you know there is no god. If there was there should be some kind of evidence for it.

But maybe you are the person who thinks there is a bogyman living in your closet.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 27 Jun, 2015 11:09 am
Get control of yourself...and we can discuss this in a reasonable, courteous way, Krumple. I suspect, however, that you would prefer to argue against hardcore theists...so you can assert what you suppose to be logical superiority.

In any case, I live my life in a way totally consistent with: I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence.

There may be gods (or at least one god) involved...there may be no gods.

I live my life in complete consistency with that.

Where do you see the inconsistency?

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