Sun 10 May, 2015 04:16 pm
I love walnuts. Who doesn't love walnuts? Maybe Nazis and really really ugly people. Nevertheless, I don't think walnuts love me back.
Every time I consume walnuts ... in say... salads, cookies, brownies, etc... my tongue burns a little as well as the inside of my mouth. Just a mild irritation. Not enough to stop chowing on walnut related goodies.
Decided to look up the potential phenomenon to see how common it was. A brief Google search comes up with notions that the phenomenon might be symptoms of a very minor food allergy. Of course, the sources were marginally sketchy. Yahoo Answers, etc... nothing medically legitimate but what I read seems to make sense.
Anyone else run into this walnut related irritation?
I thought walnuts were supposed to have a little bite, unlike pecans, for example.
just about their price.. in my store's bulk bins aisle.
I try to eat walnuts daily. As osso points out, they are not easy to afford. No, I have never heard of that reaction to eating them. I would be curious to know more.
Nut allergies are fairly common. As with anything medical it's best to talk to a doctor.
Over here walnuts are a lot cheaper than pecans, so I eat them fairly often. There's a walnut tree just down the road so there's always a few freebies come September.