Sat 26 Jun, 2004 05:11 pm
I have a six month old French Bulldog, and she will not poop on a leash, she will pee though. She only wants to go in our patio area. She is the second frenchie that we have and she sees that the older male one does but she won't. Any ideas?
think about it, taking a **** is a private affair. if you ever observe dogs while defecating you can see that instinctively they do not like to be watched. face it, we're able to shut the door when taking a crap. let the dog have her way in this case.
easy gala...frenchies don't do that....they make ze poo poo......
well then this frenchie won't make ze poo poo!
give her some Pupso Bismol....
Don't let the dog out in the morning unless she is on the leash. Then walk her around until she defecates (do this on a Saturday morning in case it takes longer than expected). When she defecates, praise her a LOT when she's done.
Also, you will need to do your best to clean up the patio area. The more everything smells like what is essentially a litter box, the more inclined your dog will be to defecate there instead of during a walk.
semantics or no, your little precious frenchie toast wants to have her merde time unfettered by a leash and near where you sip your stinkin' chardonnay. i scratch my first post and suggest if she doesn't comply to your standards that you drop her off on the highway, with herpapers, in the night hours.
I make an effort to clean up the messes outside on a regular basis.
Sounds much like a german shepherd I used to have. She simply had to be let off the leash for a few moments. Fortunately, she was pretty much controlable by voice. If your's isn't, djrando, that might be an alternative starting point.
Lol! Some animals just DO like privacy!
Jespah's idea seems very sensible - but you may need a lot of time!
Male horses, in my experience, are very shy about peeing - going to great lengths to find privacy - and sighing and looking sheepish when nature calls very urgently.
I don't know if it is that she is only 6 months old and she dosent get it. I can walk and walk her and nada, she will do it on the newspaper at night when we have her blocked off in the kitchen, wondering if trying crate would work, it didnt work to well the first time but maybe I can try it again.