au1929 wrote:Tantor
Quote:You cannot get a million people to do anything without force. Heck, you can't get everyone in your office to go to lunch together at the same place even if they like each other. It's important to remember that when you see masses of people cheering in a North Korean rally it is the result of coercion, not popular opinion.
You can if you convince people that they have a common enemy. Especially if you have a closed society. I should remind you that Hitler did it based on nationalism.
No, actually you can't without force. The Nazis had the same system of informers and block captains that all the other socialist societies had. If you did not say Heil Hitler when you greeted somebody or grumbled about the Nazis, your block captain or neighbors would report you to the Gestapo.
The Gestapo would send you a letter to report to their office and explain yourself. The first letter terrified most people enough to get with the Nazi program. The Gestapo would ask your neighbors and block captain to keep a close eye on you. If they reported more bad things about you, the Gestapo sent you a second letter for another appointment.
You didn't come back from the second appointment. The Gestapo kept excellent records of their appointments. You can see the photos of terrified people taken during their interrogations, neatly affixed to their documentation. Many of them end with the annotation that they have been shipped to somewhere like Ravensbruck or Dachau.
au1929 wrote:
That is what makes NK such a dangerous foe. The danger is not that they can defeat the US it the catastrophic consequences of a conflict with an enemy that feels they have nothing to lose that is the proud possessor of nuclear weaponry. No matter how few.
Actually, the North Koreans have everything to lose and they know it. If they go to war, they lose power. That means the end of their good life, drinking imported liquor, screwing imported women, and taking trips to Tokyo Disneyland. In those rare occassions where we called their bluff, the North Koreans backed down in a cloud of vituperation. They have even allowed foreigners and imports in to keep power, even though it violates their long held policy of juche, self-reliance.
au1929 wrote:
I should add the inflammatory rhetoric emanating from the White House only adds fuel to the fire.
I thought folks like you believed in speaking truth to power. North Korea is an evil regime, just as Bush says. It does not keep its agreements, just like Bush says. Tell me one thing that Bush says about North Korea that is not just true, but obviously true?
I'm also curious to know why Bush's simple statement of the truth is considered inflammatory while the wildest, most vituperative, hateful, warlike statements from North Korea do not? Why is that, au1929?
The fact is that taking a hard line with evil dictators is the correct approach, not the appeasement you endorse. Such dictators respect only force and will probe as far as they can until they are stopped by force. When you call their bluff, they back down in a cloud of hateful rhetoric and look for another weakness to exploit.