@Frank Apisa,
Quote:Well...if you had come to America back in the mid-19th century...you would have learned that slavery was okay in some states
Well.. if I had come to America in 17th century... there was no America.
And if my grandmom would have mustache than she would be a grandpa.
Frank, I came when I came here, during perhaps undeniably the best days this nation had ever seen - Reagan era. The word meant something. The world loved us and respected us for our values, desency and stability.
You know, and I'm not trying to patronize you, when on July 4, 1776 declaration of independence was signed, George Washington was stopped and asked outside the building: "...what are we, republic or monarchy? ". He replied: "constitutional republic... if you can keep it". Those famous words are echoing today stronger than ever.
I can't believe that you, who I consider intelligent, can't distinguish abolishing slavery from legalizing gay marriage, and you said poligamy wold be ok too...? One is bringing morals, the other demoralizing our nation. Two oposite things.
Quote:Right now there are more Americans who think that piece of wisdom is worthless...than who think it makes sense
Did I'm reading this right?? So if something is right, it is still wrong???? Another words let's turn world upside down?
And what "more Americans"? Maybe those among you and who you were raised with (judging from your covictions).
Where do YOU get that from? - is the real question, because I have my ideas from our Constitution, from our law and from American etics. If I had to quess, you got yours from street protesters, American hipis.
Tell me why marriage is between one man and one woman...but do not use religion
Frank, did you ever read US Constitution? Do you own one?
I strongly urge you to read it again, you'll find all the answers there. It is not a bible, but our nation and this Constitution were created based on Christianity and IT'S principles, in case you didn't know that. It does not mean that you or I have to be christians, and we are not, we are Agnostics.
But why are you so obsessed about religion being part of it?
Are you suggesting that if my thinking was in any part taken from Christian guidelines, than that would make my argument invalid?