Thu 26 Mar, 2015 04:10 am
5. Which of the following was not a reform implemented by Thomas Jefferson after his election to the Presidency?
a. cut the national debt by reducing government expenditures
b. repealed all direct taxes and sought income from the carrying trade
c. created the Department of Education
d. slashed military spending by 50%
6. By 1800, the United States
a. was a formidable naval power that could protect American commerce and other vital American interests.
b. was caught between two formidable commercial empires, largely helpless to prevent diplomatic and commercial embarrassments overseas.
c. had made peace with her Indian neighbors to the West in the “Middle Ground.”
d. was characterized by cultural and political uniformity across the various geographical regions, north and south.
7. Jefferson’s policy of “peaceful coercion” was
a. a response to British depredations against American shipping and culminated in the Embargo Act of 1807.
b. a way to encourage Native Americans to assimilate to white culture or move farther west to land beyond American settlement.
c. his preferred method for managing and disciplining his slaves.
d. a serious blow to British shipping, while encouraging unregulated domestic shipping.
8. Henry Clay and John Calhoun, called the War Hawks in Congress, were aggressive ___________ who sought to __________ Jefferson’s policy of peaceful coercion.
a. Federalists….endorse
b. Nationalists….repudiate
c. Businessmen….modify
d. Constitutionalists….legalize
9. The Hartford Convention of 1814
a. accelerated the end of the Federalists as a viable political party.
b. showed that Federalists were men of principle who were always consistent in their political ideologies.
c. was a rousing celebration of Andrew Jackson’s victory at New Orleans.
d. none of the above
10. Most land speculators sold land at a profit, but through various instruments of credit. Which of the following was the most important consequence of this method of land distribution?
a. Indians bought western land at discount rates
b. plantation agriculture dominated the western territories
c. the population of the West became predominantly African
d. the family farm became the dominant mode of production in the West
11. In the early 19th century, the “revolution in transportation” involved all of the following except
a. national security, economic progress, and political unity
b. roads, rivers and steamboats, canals
c. a stunning defeat of the British at the Battle of New Orleans
d. a and b only
e. all of the above
12. The years 1800-1840 marked the beginning of _______________ which encouraged regional concentration in staple crops, such as wheat in the North and “King Cotton” in the South.
a. the Agricultural Revolution
b. an epidemic disease among the natives
c. commercial agriculture
d. the Industrial Revolution
13. The Second Bank of the United States (1816) was chartered to
a. provide a depository for government funds.
b. be an outlet for marketing government securities.
c. provide a source of redeemable banknotes that could be used to pay taxes or purchase public lands.
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
f. a and c only
14. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 marked the beginning of distinct _________ in ____________.
a. changes….southern ladies’ fashion
b. sectional divisions….voting patterns
c. disruption….river transportation on the Missouri River
d. patterns….inter-racial marriage in the South
15. Which of the following was not an example of Postwar Nationalism in the Supreme Court?
a. staunch Federalist, John Marshall was Chief Justice
b. consistently ruled in favor of nationalist agendas and strong federal government
c. endorsed the doctrine of implied powers
d. the Monroe Doctrine