Photos and/or stories, por favor.
I'll start -
First mug:
A friend gave me two coffee mugs, probably in the early nineties. I was astonished as even back then they cost a whale of a lot of money. They were made in Deruta, a well known town in Italy for ceramics, and I'm a pushover from afar for many of those items - to look at. She bought them at Biordi in San Francisco, a place that still sends me its catalog from time to time - I'd gone in there once with her but never bought anything.
The mugs are part of the Cama: Ricco Deruta line.
Somewhere in the next ten years I dropped and broke one. Nuts! Damn!
And somewhere in the last ten years, I dropped the second one on my tile kitchen floor, and it didn't break. It has a fetching linear crack across the inside bottom of the mug, but still holds coffee well. Those are quite sturdy.
Now I think of the friend, San Francisco, and Italy not all times I use the mug, but sometimes, if just for a second or two.
Latest mug:
Diane and I went to the Habitat for Humanity store here in Abq. It's called Re-Store. They have lots of good stuff for sale, all having something to do with home building or decor. I bought a mug that amused me, for something like 75 cents or a dollar.
No photo, but I'll describe it -
the wrap around design has School of Architecture and Allied Arts across the top, and across the bottom. In between those, some vertical panel drawings of art/craft types making pottery or hammering something.
Between the panels, this:
A school of architecture should be "a happy home where students are helped to educate themselves"
Here, like the kind of democracy we should strive for, is "The minimum of restraint and the maximum of sense of responsibility."
Prince Campbell
I haven't dropped it yet.
My sentiment here is re Diane and my shopping ventures, and my own enjoyment of architecture.