The latest trend is to buy up all these really great looking girls and then give them pundit responsibilities based upon a series of transparent chops.
They look great on camera so they can say any stupid thing they wish and still have people believe them. Both Fox and CNN have their "chickies" and their numbers seem to be getting like clots of partisan lemmings.
Weather girls even have "uniforms". Is it jut me, but I see the "broadcast meteorologists" seem to be dressed in the wrap around costumes that could, if it were still on the air, be used as Enterprise Uniforms all you needed was a Starfleet badge at the cleavage.
Ive been on the road a bit and the Southern female meteorologists on TV look more like Daisy Dukes .
I don't mind the look but Jeez-Loueez, how bout some searches for talent that doesn't involve only a swim suit competition.
Are they stamping em out in some lab in Dubuque?