Whatever happened to the water-fueled engine?

Mon 24 Sep, 2007 02:45 pm
Nicely put, steve. I'm all about paradigm shifts. One of the quotes on my webpage is "I like to meet people who easily reject a widely held belief in favor of a new truth." I'll be the first to jump to a new truth, but it has to BE truth. A paradigm shift in and of itself means revamping your model on which the subject is based. Therefore the new paradigm must be truthful. The flaws in anakpawis' argument come from the fact that his/her new paradigm ISN'T truthful, therefore it cannot be a paradigm by definition.

I like how anakpawis keeps telling us WE'RE narrow minded, but its anakpawis who refuses to accept a new truth. Couple that with Forum sociology and the security of anonymity, and you get someone who will argue any point without basis or logic.
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Mon 24 Sep, 2007 07:33 pm
anakpawis wrote:

I know I'm getting too annoying sometimes. The problem here is that you don't realize that you are arguing about something that we both agree on. I agree with newtonian physics.

My point is not about whether conservation of energy is true. What I'm trying to point to you guys is that many so called intellectuals nowadays are too focus on this as if you can not harvest energy from outside the closed system.

Here's a close system:
Initial 10 gallon gasoline running a motor. You guys are arguing against me that the 10 gallon gasoline (energy) is equal to the heat generated + noise generated + work generated by the motor + friction loss. I'm not arguing against that. What I'm saying is that out of the 10 gallon gasoline, you can do work pumping oil from the ground perhaps harvesting 100 gallons of gasoline.

Think outside the box. Do you think this is impossible? Only an idiot can think about this? What if we use the harvested gasoline to run the same motor, will that be perpetual motion? Do you call those floating oil mining platforms as perpetual machine? They're using energy and getting more energy out.

I'm talking about mining.

Oh, thank you for waving a thumbs up Mr. curtis73. Razz

I'm not here to argue with both of you who doesn't want to be persuaded because of your ego.

Here's a link that will be of so much interest to both of you. Just a food for thought as to how you are thinking.

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Steve 41oo
Tue 25 Sep, 2007 04:07 am
Its not my ego that prevents me from "believing" its the basic universal laws of physics. I accept the world is far stranger than we ordinarily perceive it. At the quantum level "impossible" things appear to happen. But we dont live at the quantum level, we live in a world where we are constrained by laws of nature which we cannot break (no matter how hard we try). There is no magic bolt on which transforms an internal combustion engine into an energy well. The very idea of so called zero point energy is just idle conjecture, its absolutely non-proven, and even if it did exist, the notion that you can tap into it with a tin can and a car battery is laughable.
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Wed 26 Sep, 2007 09:03 am
I don't know why I'm have this picture in my mind.

Sometime in the 1880's.
You in a big cowboy hat with a group of ol'timers standing next to your beautiful horse-drawn coach , laughing heartily to the guy that said he invented a self pushing wagon that doesn't need any horses.

"Who's gonna pull it, my boy? hahahaha! You might as well sit on it till hell freezes over before it moves. Basic universal laws of physics my boy! You need somebody to pull or push it to move. Its absolutely non-proven, and even if it did exist, the notion that you can sit in it without any animal pulling it, is laughable"
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Steve 41oo
Wed 26 Sep, 2007 03:03 pm
anakpawis wrote:
I don't know why I'm have this picture in my mind.

Sometime in the 1880's.
You in a big cowboy hat with a group of ol'timers standing next to your beautiful horse-drawn coach , laughing heartily to the guy that said he invented a self pushing wagon that doesn't need any horses.

"Who's gonna pull it, my boy? hahahaha! You might as well sit on it till hell freezes over before it moves. Basic universal laws of physics my boy! You need somebody to pull or push it to move. Its absolutely non-proven, and even if it did exist, the notion that you can sit in it without any animal pulling it, is laughable"
your analogy doesnt hold. Thermodynamics was well understood by 1880, if not by American hicks.

Development of the Laws of Thermodynamics

The study of heat as a distinct form of energy began in approximately 1798 when Sir Benjamin Thompson (also known as Count Rumford), a British military engineer, noticed that heat could be generated in proportion to the amount of work done ... a fundamental concept which would ultimately become a consequence of the first law of thermodynamics.

French physicist Sadi Carnot first formulated a basic principle of thermodynamics in 1824. The principles which Carnot used to define his Carnot cycle heat engine would ultimately translate into the second law of thermodynamics by the German physicist Rudolf Clausius, who is also frequently credited with the formulation of the first law of thermodynamics.

Part of the reason for the rapid development of thermodynamics in the nineteenth century was the need to develop efficient steam engines during the industrial revolution

and as noted above steam engines were very well developed by that time. Did Americans think they had animals inside? I dont think so.
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Steve 41oo
Thu 27 Sep, 2007 03:00 am
anakpawis wrote:
I don't know why I'm have this picture in my mind.

Sometime in the 1880's.
You in a big cowboy hat with a group of ol'timers standing next to your beautiful horse-drawn coach , laughing heartily to the guy that said he invented a self pushing wagon that doesn't need any horses.

"Who's gonna pull it, my boy? hahahaha! You might as well sit on it till hell freezes over before it moves. Basic universal laws of physics my boy! You need somebody to pull or push it to move. Its absolutely non-proven, and even if it did exist, the notion that you can sit in it without any animal pulling it, is laughable"
well I know exactly why you have that picture in your mind. You are carried away by your own fantasies. You're a dreamer not an engineer or a scientist.
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Thu 27 Sep, 2007 07:20 am
That's right I'm a dreamer. What else?

Do you realize that you can discredit me all you want but you can not really stop others into believing that free energy can be harvested.

Free energy is light. And darkness overcometh it not.

The more darkness you cast into the idea that we can harness free energy, the more it shines.
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Thu 27 Sep, 2007 08:26 am
anakpawis wrote:
That's right I'm a dreamer. What else?

Do you realize that you can discredit me all you want but you can not really stop others into believing that free energy can be harvested.

Free energy is light. And darkness overcometh it not.

The more darkness you cast into the idea that we can harness free energy, the more it shines.

Actually, darkness *can* overcome light. Black holes are an example. :-)
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Steve 41oo
Thu 27 Sep, 2007 11:57 am
anakpawis wrote:
That's right I'm a dreamer. What else?

Do you realize that you can discredit me all you want but you can not really stop others into believing that free energy can be harvested.

Free energy is light. And darkness overcometh it not.

The more darkness you cast into the idea that we can harness free energy, the more it shines.
look anakpawis I'm not "having a go" at you or saying you are not entitled to imagine/dream. But if you and others "believe" in harnessing free energy, just give me one inkling, one suggestion, one iota of evidence that it might be done. Of course I can fly, all I have to do is believe enough.
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Fri 28 Sep, 2007 09:04 am
Blackholes, dark matter, are all wishful thinking.

See the video"Thunderbolts of the Gods"

Or read the book "The Electric Universe" Monograph by Wallace Thornhill and Dave Talbott, Compelling, highly readable, and superbly illustrated, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to what will surely be the beginnings of a scientific revolution in the years ahead. The Electric Universe understanding eliminates the need for the highly imaginative, sensational yet logic-breaking constructs of black holes, dark matter and energy, and replaces them with laboratory demonstrated plasma phenomena
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Fri 28 Sep, 2007 09:22 am
anakpawis wrote:
Blackholes, dark matter, are all wishful thinking.

See the video"Thunderbolts of the Gods"

Or read the book "The Electric Universe" Monograph by Wallace Thornhill and Dave Talbott, Compelling, highly readable, and superbly illustrated, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to what will surely be the beginnings of a scientific revolution in the years ahead. The Electric Universe understanding eliminates the need for the highly imaginative, sensational yet logic-breaking constructs of black holes, dark matter and energy, and replaces them with laboratory demonstrated plasma phenomena

I think you somehow get off on trying to disprove the universally accepted theory of the universe. The greatest minds on this planet have proposed the theories that you refute with a google video and a single book by two obscure authors.

You are too enamored with the idea of being a rebel.
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Fri 28 Sep, 2007 12:36 pm
Thanks to Copernicus, a rebel.
Thanks to Kepler, a rebel.
Thanks to Galileo, a rebel.
Thanks to Newton, a rebel.

A few rebels that opened the truth about our universe.
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Fri 28 Sep, 2007 01:09 pm
So now you want to reject all they've taught us to believe in something that is wholly converse to their findings?
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Fri 28 Sep, 2007 01:12 pm
anakpawis wrote:
Free energy is light. And darkness overcometh it not.

The more darkness you cast into the idea that we can harness free energy, the more it shines.

Well, the first sentence is true, but you have to harness it and change its state. Sun rays don't push a car, sun rays converted to electricity DO push a car.

The second sentence did make me chuckle.
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Fri 28 Sep, 2007 05:14 pm
I've presented so many video evidence so far. Those videos are full of experts and references. Making those documentaries doesn't come cheap. Hundreds perhaps thousands of people contributed to make all those videos possible because they believe in them and wanted to contribute to society.

So far all you have presented to me are a barrage of negative words and trying to make the readers confused with your illogical explanations. I'm beginning to question your motive. It's either you are very stupid or you are paid by the oil producers to discredit people in the forums with the correct ideas.


For your sake, I hope it is the latter.

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Fri 28 Sep, 2007 05:40 pm
USAFHokie80 wrote:
anakpawis wrote:
Blackholes, dark matter, are all wishful thinking.

See the video"Thunderbolts of the Gods"

Or read the book "The Electric Universe" Monograph by Wallace Thornhill and Dave Talbott, Compelling, highly readable, and superbly illustrated, this book provides a comprehensive introduction to what will surely be the beginnings of a scientific revolution in the years ahead. The Electric Universe understanding eliminates the need for the highly imaginative, sensational yet logic-breaking constructs of black holes, dark matter and energy, and replaces them with laboratory demonstrated plasma phenomena

I think you somehow get off on trying to disprove the universally accepted theory of the universe. The greatest minds on this planet have proposed the theories that you refute with a google video and a single book by two obscure authors.

You are too enamored with the idea of being a rebel.
Ralph Abraham: Professor of Mathematics, University of California at Santa Cruz, active on the research frontier of dynamics and chaos theory since 1960. The most recent of whose numerous books include: Chaos, Gaia, Eros; and The Web Empowerment Book.

Amy Acheson: Educated in astronomy and known for her accurate and easily understood summaries on the work of Arp and Thornhill, she is also editor of the electronic newsletter, THOTH, author of numerous articles, and presently at work with Talbott and Thornhill on their forthcoming volume, "Thunderbolts of the Gods".

Mel Acheson: Educated in astronomy, author of numerous articles, his wit and insight will give you both a chuckle and something to think about. His thought-provoking editorials are a regular feature in THOTH.

Michael Armstrong: A long-time student of planetary catastrophics, he lectures on the Electric Universe, the Saturn Model, and their implications for origins, philosophy, and theology. He is also a publisher and producer of video and newsletter work related to the science of catastrophics.

Halton Arp*: One of the world's most accomplished astronomers, formerly affiliated with the California Institute of Technology. The radical implications of his observations resulted in his being denied telescope time, forcing him to find refuge in Germany, where he is now in residence at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Germany. Author of Seeing Red; Quasars, Redshifts, and Controversies; and Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. *(If Arp is unable to be with us, we will show a video of his appearance at our conference last Septebmer).

Robert Bass: Rhodes Scholar, educated at Oxford and John Hopkins Universities, was a Post-doctoral Fellow at Princeton, and Professor of Physics & Astronomy, Brigham Young University. This frequently honored scientist and inventor holds 3 US patents from his work in plasma and hot fusion. He is now an engineer at BAE Systems and an advocate of cold fusion.

Dwardu Cardona: An investigator of planetary catastrophics for more than 30 years, with special interest in the Saturn Model. Author of numerous articles on the roots of world mythology. Currently the editor of "AEON: A Journal of Myth, Science, and Ancient History".

Ev Cochrane: Comparative mythologist with more than 20 years of research into planetary catastrophics. Author of Martian Metamorphoses, a study of the warrior hero, as interpreted by the Saturn Model. Currently publisher of "AEON: A Journal of Myth, Science, and Ancient History".

Ted Holden: His lectures on "The Impossible Dinosaurs" were among the most popular at our prior conferences. He offers simple and persuasive arguments that some dinosaurs were simply too large to have survived in our present gravitational environment.

Bruce Lipton: One-time researcher, former Professor of Anatomy at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, now author and lecturer, will be presenting his findings dealing with the "biology of consciousness", demonstrating how external factors, including personal perception, impact cell viability.

Anthony Peratt: Associate Director of Experimental Programs at Los Alamos National Laboratory, studied under the late Nobel Prize-winning Plasma Physicist Hannes Alfven. He is perhaps the most respected of today's pioneers in the study of plasma cosmology and the effects of electrical currents across vast distances in space. His work was featured prominantly in "The Big Bang Never Happened". He is the author of "The Plasma Universe" and numerous articles.

C.J. Ransom: Executive Director of Cosmos & Chronos, a tax-exempt organization created for supporting research and dissemination of information associated with discontinuous changes in the solar system that may have occurred in the recent past. Cosmos & Chronos published the journal Kronos and is publishing a series of books called the Osiris Series, edited by Dwardu Cardona. Dr. Ransom is the author of "The Age of Velikovsky" and numerous articles.

Donald Scott: David Talbott: Comparative mythologist whose work offers a radical new vantage point on the origin of ancient cultural themes and symbols. His research has been the primary catalyst behind the "Saturn Model," and is the subject of the feature documentary, "Remembering the End of the World". Author of The Saturn Myth and a forthcoming volume, Thunderbolts of the Gods (co-authored with Wallace Thornhill).

Wallace Thornhill: Australian physicist, his work provides the broadest synthesis of electrical principles to date, ranging across solar system history, planetary cratering and scarring, the dynamics of the sun, and the nature of galaxies. Author of "The Electric Universe"; and a forthcoming volume, Thunderbolts of the Gods (co-authored with David Talbott).

You're more than welcome to google each one to know about their credentials.
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Fri 28 Sep, 2007 08:44 pm
anakpawis wrote:
I've presented so many video evidence so far. Those videos are full of experts and references. Making those documentaries doesn't come cheap. Hundreds perhaps thousands of people contributed to make all those videos possible because they believe in them and wanted to contribute to society.

What??? Evidence??? Some idiot with a $20 camcorder who refuses to show his face plugs a lamp into a box and it lights up, and you call him an expert? That's not a documentary.

And a little tidbit for you... those expensive documentaries make their money off of gullible people like you. I can make a more professional video than any of those with my digital camcorder and a half hour of editing on my laptop. Would you believe me then?

Billions of dollars goes into making fictional movies every year and they make their money back because people WANT to be deceived.

By the way... I'm still waiting for that post over at eng-tips forums... Rolling Eyes
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Steve 41oo
Sun 30 Sep, 2007 12:54 pm
anakpawis wrote:
Blackholes, dark matter, are all wishful thinking.
goodnight anakpawkins sleep well
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Tue 2 Oct, 2007 04:20 pm
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Tue 2 Oct, 2007 09:10 pm
Again... this is a reference to a machine that produces hydrogen OUTSIDE the vehicle. I never said Hydrogen wasn't a fuel, I said you can't electrolyze it in a car for use as a fuel.

Why do you keep posting links that crumble your side of the argument?
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