Relief. Yes that's the word.
I'm sure we (meaning, Dale, hingehead, Frank & djjd) are causing a lot of people to scratch their heads.
Pointless? No purpose? Aren't you miserable?
Hell no.
Life being pointless doesn't preclude you from doing kind, interesting, fun things. I think I enjoy these things more because I'm not looking to do these things to find meaning or purpose to my life.
Perhaps the need to have a point to your life is really the fear of death.
I bit of a vent here. This is why I find the term "bucket list" rather stupid. Ok, a lot stupid. It's the latest thing, gotta have a bucket list. Can't die without having done something we can facebook or tell about, to show others how cool we are. There are even websites to tell us what we should want to do before we're gone.
No, that's what You want me to do, so when I'm gone you can make yourself feel better by saying "At least she had a full life."
My full life is not anyone elses. I would worry my life wasn't full when I thought about what was supposed to make it full in the eyes of the world.
Now, I'm a little closer to just saying "I am"