10V(3%) or less is for deposit only. The lower the volume / % of hydrogen peroxide, means the less the hairshaft is opened for color penetration/change to occur.
Using 20+ on a lv.6 with target color 6 will not be true match to target color 6. It will make the color warm/brassy as the underlying natural pigment will become exposed.
Law of haircolor is: color dose not lift color
A special color eating/lifting & or bleach/de-coloriser must be used to lift prior colored hair by manufacturers instructions of said product.
A higher vol developer, can cause un-necessary damage.
Start looking into "Natural underlying pigment levels" to better understand haircoloring.lv.2-4=dark red,5-6=orange,7-8=copper/yellow,9-10=yellow-pale gold. These natural pigments in all hair need to be factored into your formula & are countered with ash(B/G/N) to achieve most natural results(good to know for mens coloring/no warmth/brass)