Would not believe how much he makes me laugh
X-ceptionally jovial person
You know what, just called in to say G'day to a good friend, thank you for keeping "B" amused try.
Zactly what the doctor ordered!
Amazing fun (pleasure was all mine Dutchy)
Bringing great variety to the threads.
Disappointing no-one, great competitor.
Frolicking through the threads with the greatest of ease.
Graceful in his concern for others
Highly respected member of the a2k team.
Wants the ashes back
(Sorry, we are keeping them)
I surmise that he doesn't know the alphabet and is often combative.
Just wished me well. Thank you Clary
Keeps an upbeat style even when ill.
Overconcerned about "The Ashes".
(You're in for a shock my friend, come next summer/your winter).