Not wearing a LIVESTRONG wristband.
(Ooh! OUCH! Tattle-tale!

Overly critical of the non-LIVESTRONG-band-wearers! :wink:
Don't counsellors avoid value judgements generally and especially taking sides.
Orwell said that the message of Tropic of Cancer,and he was approving of it,was,and I quote-
"if one stiffens oneself by the contemplation of ugliness,one ends by finding life not less but more worth living." The instant gratification brigade hate the idea.
Millions have agreed.On each side.
anyway, the next letter was Q so however nice or nasty it was invalidated
Quite quick to quip, eh Spendi-?
I was just funnin' ya for calling Clary a "motor-mouth squeaker". I'm not counselling you, per se, (am I?!) and I calls 'em likes I sees 'em!
Is that you in the avvie devvie?
Rather tired of being insulted
So you think that's me, Spendi-? While I could answer philosophically and say yes, I'm Mrs. Incredible, That would be sort of wrong. While I've been told I'm 'incredible', that is not an exact replica of me, but the character Mrs. Incredible/ Elasta-girl from the Disney movie "The Incredibles".
Oh devvie-I'm soo-soo disappointed.In fact I'm downright downcast.And all this time too.Still-you did choose it for your avvie.I'm perking up already.
Too pleased to know you are so, Spendi-.
It represents a picture of how you would like us to picture your effervescent personality.
Very perceptive! (If only he knew his alphabet!)
Well,I do forget sometimes when I'm browsing and clicking fast in the company of these American Mrs Incredibles.When I've had a few.
X-cused from your digression,... I suppose.
Y not?I can't help it if I'm not as clever as the premium poster above.