traveller extraordinaire (sp?

unique and nice or uniquely nice ?!
Xceptional to the point that even the strictest wrters of English would use alternate spellings, if it meant conveying one tenth of her character.
Zestfully uses language to her advantage!
About to show how wonderful an aunt she will be.
Dear Drom-,
Of course I do and Merci Beau coup! (sp?)
Excellent, riesj, as usual! You've spelt merci beaucoup right, too. (Out of interest, if you could choose to speak any two languages without learning them, which would you choose?)
Fancy, huh? Wow. I've had a little French learnin', but not much! I seem to pick up language pretty well, at least the latin-based ones. So, I guess I would like to speak the ones I don't think I would pick up so easily: Arabic (I have a very dear Muslim friend I would love to converse with in his native tongue), and Japanese or maybe something Slavic like Albanian. I have Albanian friends from Kosovo whose English is only so-so. Oh, that's three! But we are talking hypothetical here, right?
Goodly choices; it doesn't matter that you chose three! I would choose Arabic too; and Chinese; and Hungarian-- the first two I will never be able to learn; the third, I have always wanted to speak...
How nice that drom's around again

Albanian is not Slavic language
I am thinking the same-- hello again, MOUN! How have you been? (For some reason, I was thinking of you and a few others down in some service-station in Bordeaux.)
Yeah, you're right; Albanian, 'though Albania's in the Slav region, is in its own linguistic class, isn't it?
Just want to thankyou, moun. I don't know all that much about that part of the world. What kind of language is it and what do you speak there?