Just keeps everyone on their toes at a2k...
Keeps the ones who fall through my net on their toes.
Lounges around drinking red wine, probably looking tres chic
Looking good since she took up pole dancing
Mistaking me for some ones, me thinks!
Noting she must be between shows
Obviously giving the ladies a run for their money.
Paints a perfect picture with words
Probably is a painter or a journalist.
The best crossword solver this side of the black stump :wink:
Knows my habits and place of abode.
Looking over his shoulder to see where I'm at
Still wearing sparkly earrings, I see.
Marvellous eyesight and not even wearing glasses.
Madly answering so many threads that she forgets the alphabet!
Naturally observant, I wonder if Mame noticed I buggered-up the alphabetisation again.
Has the gift of second sight?
Oh thank you Clary for pointing that out
Oh Mame, respect the ABC!