Really nice Spidergal its good to see you, I like you don't I, and your my friend.
Lyn, am I right in thinking that the beautiful girl on the avatar is you?
Does avatar mean my picture, it must I think It was one for fancy dress and I was a vampire. Do you like it Spidergal
So, that's you, I can see through the vampire, Lyn.
I don't have those teeth all the time its just kidding
But the teeth are lovely, my word.
Spidergal, she probably means those two massive fangs which could rip a bears head off. Do you think she is safe?
Testing the waters again.
Undeniably stormy outlook ahead
Caveman with an eye for beauty, fangs and all.
X-tremely sorry try, you picked that one well, meant to print "wild".
Zeros in on one's foibles
Confused over the alphabet