One of a kind. Dear friend. True gentleman
She is sure not talking about me, I wonder who it could be.
Pretty cool dude who forgot the "P"
Quite delightful in bringing to attention my obvious deficiencies.
(Hi Butterfly, I did not expect to meet you so soon. Is it not very early in the morning?)
Readily forgets that butterfly is a night owl :wink:
3.30am Sunday morning here

Should be getting more sleep
Supports the winning team
Knows that Imur's team scored the winning Try.
Valuable member of the A2K team who is always a 'winning Try'
X-pected at Dutchy's BBQ today.
You will have a great time I am sure
He doesn't want Butterfly to go to Dutchy's Bar B Q, he wants a net.
Zeroed right onto the answer
Ah, but why does our Try need a net?
Between you and me, I'm guessing also.
Can't help with this conundrum
Disguises his words in a masterly fashion.