I think a quality audio recording of each lecture would be helpful, then you could make few notes during the lecture. If I can get the big picture the first time I find I can derive the details much easier than repeating words I wrote but didn't understand because I was concentrating on how to word the notes. Two of the brighter members of the class could edit shorter versions of the lecture with a few of their comments. Then you could make notes from all three versions. Reviewing notes made by other students would likely be less helpful, but would catch an occasional important point, and might be less boring. I find I can recall details of things I learned 60 years ago if I understood the big picture at the time. I've found forums such as
www.able2know very helpful in reviewing things I learned long ago, and for combining ideas in new ways that I had not thought of before.
Helping someone else learn can be very helpful in finding new and useful relationships in the trivia. I've been pleasantly surprise that many of the things I learned long ago are useful for brainstorming if nothing else. Taking practice tests is also helpful in getting the factoids into a logical pattern in your brain. I really think many of us could learn more efficiently at our own pace, if we could only generate the self motivation to do the hard parts of subjects. Neil