Mission Virgin failed , God thanks

Sat 1 Nov, 2014 02:59 pm
I get disliked now , but I don, t care about.
Dullness ought to be punished !!!! News of Mission Virgin failed and I say -God thanks- for galvanize nerds.

An american rich man doesn,t know how spend his money and two attempts of his ambitious scheme to going to space screwed up.

Apparently there spent many other nerds a lot of money to get a lift.

How silly is humanity.?

No long ago a space shuttle exploded . Not the foggest inkling of the name and it isn't worth it to keep it in mind, but a female teacher was amongst those tolls.Challenger I think.

When humans don't see that as a lesson , than they have deserve to take lethal aftermathes!

Since many years tries one's to besiege the space and till now there doesn't come out result for a useful thing.

Don't people have other issues , other ideas to get rid of their money???

Maybe povetty,climate change and stuff.

No , there aren't developed useful medical devices and observing climate change does UN or meteorologists.

Palmiri , if I don't fail, was a seismograph from europe and he can't use researches by space at his time . Look up , for the date he lived.1800 round about .

A German said on TV he has a flight to Mars in the pipeline. To stay there till his dead.

I would love to bring him to his Mars and he get more than one bargained for on Mars.

It is such a shame that I am the same human among those embarrasing poor people.

Disturb the earth and the still tedious life doesn"t please anymore so one's decide to try to go in the space or what ever , like a tottler.

Can it be real ??? I am so ashamed before our children.

Even worse knowing that the taxes of several nations are waste for researching Moon ( now old fashioned ) nowadays Mars and what will follow than
I can't feel mourning about fatalities of Mission Virgin, Challenger , but if I say what I feel I get trouble .

Sat 1 Nov, 2014 03:04 pm
Tekla, was willst Du uns eigentlich mit deinen Phrasen hier erzaehlen?
Tut mir leid, aber vieles macht weder Sinn, noch ist es im Englischen verstaendlich geschrieben.
Sat 1 Nov, 2014 04:10 pm
What American rich man would that be?
Sat 1 Nov, 2014 04:27 pm
Richard Branson is rich, as he has started up many endeavors that have mostly worked out. I'm not particularly interested in space travel for my own reasons (I have night vision problems so I don't see stars, even in the desert), but I'm not against his interests in exploring space.

He is British.

Are you against science? It certainly sounds as if you are. Space science is not where I pinpoint my own science interest but explorations so far have wrought many applications useful in our lives on earth.

I might or might not have had a client who was related to him, but that was hearsay, amusing at the time.

You thank god the pilot died?
You are what we have called here, a kook.

Sat 1 Nov, 2014 04:43 pm
Yes, she seems to be, osso.

It is very unfortunate that Richard Branson's mission has taken such a
terrible turn where one pilot is dead and the other one gravely injured.
Sat 1 Nov, 2014 04:46 pm
0 Replies
Sat 1 Nov, 2014 04:51 pm
Ah, sage das doch gleich , dann schteibe ich doch liebend gerne in formschönen verständlichen Deutsch. Dass das hier ein Forum ist , wo man keine tiefgreifenden Geschehnisse outen kann , wusste ich natürlich auch nicht. Sorry!

Aber warum schreibt hier jeder in Englisch ? Ist das ein Lern-Forum ? Oder ist das ein Sprachenwettkampf ?
Sat 1 Nov, 2014 04:55 pm
Ach Tekla - ausser Dir und mir sind vielleicht ein bis zwei Leute hier, die Deutsch verstehen und shreiben. Dies ist primaer ein amerikanisches Forum, auch ich lebe in USA. Ergo, 99 % der Mitglieder verstehen dich nicht!
Sat 1 Nov, 2014 05:04 pm
Why shell I repeat it.
No, there aren"t any developements by space travelling.I said climate change is observed by UN and 200 years ago a Mr. Palmiri did his seismographic researches without space .

A waste of money is that for nothing . None nation has any important device by space developing. Useless devices are there for sure.
0 Replies
Sat 1 Nov, 2014 05:33 pm
Es ist schlimm , es sind immer die Frauen , die beleidigen und das in kurzer Zeit.Darauf habe ich schon gewartet

Anders kenne ich das gar nicht. Auch bei meinem Thread mit der Organspende kam nach 3 Min. ein Satz : What ever you say.Ich brauchte gar nicht schauen, ob es eine Frau ist. War aber Eine .

Männer posten wenigstens etwas witziger darauf , wie immer und nehmen das alles auch locker.

Wie : I drink to it

Man merkt einfach auch die Erfahrung und es ist frech von solch jungen Gören beleidigt zu werden !

Kein Mensch sagt , dass unerfahrene Gören sich gleich nach 3 Min.zu Wort melden müssen.

Spendet Organe oder nicht , mir egal, habe es nur gut gemeint, weil noch zuviele Gutgläubige spenden, ohne den Ablauf zu kennen.

Es soll nur eine Info sein und keiner beleidigt mich deshalb.Schreiben braucht auch niemand darauf, weil es nur eine Info ist.

Aber es iegt am zu jung sein für etwas entspannteres Lesen.

Ach , ganz so unvetständlich kann mein Kauderwelsch nicht sein. Sie antworten punkt genau darauf .
0 Replies
Sat 1 Nov, 2014 05:44 pm
Und meistens sind dieśe Frauen zu jung um da oder dort überhaupt mitreden zu können.

Das ist leider meine Erfahrung.Hast Du ,' mal die 40 überschritten , weißt Du was ich meine.

Frauen sind auch im richtigen Leben oft Zicken und werden ihrem Ruf gerecht. Hauptsache pöbeln, wie jemand aus der Gosse !.

0 Replies
Sat 1 Nov, 2014 07:00 pm
ossobuco wrote:
He is British.

I knew that. That's why I asked what I did.
ossobuco wrote:
Are you against science? It certainly sounds as if you are. Space science is not where I pinpoint my own science interest but explorations so far have wrought many applications useful in our lives on earth.

I might or might not have had a client who was related to him, but that was hearsay, amusing at the time.

You thank god the pilot died?
You are what we have called here, a kook.

I hope you are not addressing me, as your reply heading seems to imply. If so, you are conflating me with that Tekla character. (The nutty, or possibly just bored and stupid, person who started the thread).

Sat 1 Nov, 2014 07:14 pm
Human civilizations have advanced, and prospered, from the willingness of explorers, inventors and financial investors taking risks. Very few successes were achieved in the first attempt.

Space exploration is yet another avenue of human curiosity. Inventions created to sustain humans in alien environments will also benefit all on earth, especially in locations on earth where we are still challenged by environmental obstacles.
Sun 2 Nov, 2014 02:03 am
......challenced by environments obstacles ??????

Where do obstacles be which would lead to disadvantages on earth?

The drive to go to the moon has abated and it was for nothing. The ensuing researches (last 50
years ) didn't led to anything and further 50 years it won't.

No sickness has be cured by space developements and more about next.

....Aliens environments.?????
Aliens are very smart to hid themself , if exist . And they laugh about our hunt for since 50 years , if they exist.

Or they don't exist and we won"t find any the next 100 years. As we didn't found the last 50 years. The common sense dictates that.

How old are you ?????

How long do one"s keep up to beleave that??????

Crop circles do make human at night to make beleave us Aliens did made .

On Internet you can get intructions to create crop circles . I made one do. If you ever see a crop circle , it might be made by me or other persons.

How often have had they correct their theories ?

A single-celled organismn of bacterium can't mutated to multi-cellular organismn of human from ocean.

Monkeys are our forebears ?????!!!!!! How funny , because they can, t donate blood nor organs to us.

Pigs do donate organ to us , because that are very simular to humans.

How I said on my thread with Myth.....catholics ....Evolution....Chtistmas ...

Do keep in mind the human made crop circles. Only nutty , kook one's denies that !
Sun 2 Nov, 2014 02:59 am
.....Just bitch alarm , not clued up in topic and giving me a shock , instead be calm and sticking to the facts in case of knowledges about.

Not being clued up here , but showing manners like one's was born in the gutter .

If I said, I always used to read insulting comments by bitch alert no sooner had I left notes. While male comments are very funny sometimes like here ( vary threads). In every nations .

Typically female just. Ashamed!

To speak fluently another languages doesn't mean to be clued up in much cases!

My English is bad , but Americans aren't stupid and understand , alike Germans get the broken German from settled foreigners as well.

But here are males who talk big and I bet you wouldn't care to elaborate ny words about ....

scientists ,
..... about Aliens ,
...about 50 years no achievements by moon
...about selfmade crop circles. etc.

.....advantages for the humanity to do space travelling.
Are those advantages concealed?????

Thanks for examples !!!!!!!!
Sun 2 Nov, 2014 03:26 am
Sorry ,....crop cirlces are made by humans to make us believe us it is made by Aliens . Sorry, not beleave .( my previous answer ).

Aaaaah, an evidence for failing researchings of enlarging or increaaing ozone hole by mystic space travelling.

It transpired by meteorologics that ozone hole reduced or didn't increase the passed 16 years.

Better meteorologics do watch ozon hole.

One"s ought to get educated before talking big !
0 Replies
Sun 2 Nov, 2014 07:08 am
CalamityJane wrote:

Ach Tekla - ausser Dir und mir sind vielleicht ein bis zwei Leute hier, die Deutsch verstehen und shreiben. Dies ist primaer ein amerikanisches Forum, auch ich lebe in USA. Ergo, 99 % der Mitglieder verstehen dich nicht!

I don't know that it's 99% but it's high....based on the responses and even on the description of the thread, the content comes across as illogical to most. I understand she feels it's a learning type forum and it's not a language competition. But--I think the way you do. It is primarily an American forum....and when in Rome(even virtual Rome). ...
Sun 2 Nov, 2014 07:14 am
It's not a matter of stupidity. It's ok if you try to get your point across in broken English, but you can't expect for the processed message to be what you think you're delivering. Don't take this personally....it's not meant as a personal attack.
0 Replies
Sun 2 Nov, 2014 07:29 am
I hit reply to you by mistake, should have replied to Tekla. I knew you knew that he is British, and so on. (sorry!)
Sun 2 Nov, 2014 08:42 am
ossobuco wrote:

I hit reply to you by mistake, should have replied to Tekla. I knew you knew that he is British, and so on. (sorry!)

I don't actually like Richard Branson very much, but a man died in that incident, and I think the jerk that started the thread should have more respect.


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