......challenced by environments obstacles ??????
Where do obstacles be which would lead to disadvantages on earth?
The drive to go to the moon has abated and it was for nothing. The ensuing researches (last 50
years ) didn't led to anything and further 50 years it won't.
No sickness has be cured by space developements and more about next.
....Aliens environments.?????
Aliens are very smart to hid themself , if exist . And they laugh about our hunt for since 50 years , if they exist.
Or they don't exist and we won"t find any the next 100 years. As we didn't found the last 50 years. The common sense dictates that.
How old are you ?????
How long do one"s keep up to beleave that??????
Crop circles do make human at night to make beleave us Aliens did made .
On Internet you can get intructions to create crop circles . I made one do. If you ever see a crop circle , it might be made by me or other persons.
How often have had they correct their theories ?
A single-celled organismn of bacterium can't mutated to multi-cellular organismn of human from ocean.
Monkeys are our forebears ?????!!!!!! How funny , because they can, t donate blood nor organs to us.
Pigs do donate organ to us , because that are very simular to humans.
How I said on my thread with Myth.....catholics ....Evolution....Chtistmas ...
Do keep in mind the human made crop circles. Only nutty , kook one's denies that !