I thought these were all there are????
littlek wrote:<heehee>
maybe you're a clumbsy agnostic sheep?
yeah, somethin like that
The Year of the Sheep
1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003
The Year of the Dragon
1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
People born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered, and stubborn. They are also honest, sensitive, brave, and they inspire confidence and trust. Dragon people are the most eccentric of any in the eastern zodiac. They neither borrow money nor make flowery speeches, but they tend to be soft-hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them. They are compatible with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.
That's interesting. I'd like to find that list and find out what kind of dragon I am. Could I be a butterfly dragon? LOL. I find that I get along well with most people. Here at A2K I get along well with everyone and that is so awsome. I have to go to other places to practice my fire breathing ;-) astrological sign is the Virgin, I got that one down and fit it to a T

no remarks needed on that BTW
i'm a rat......
and a scorpio.........
Wow!!! Am I really a big deal? LOL :-D
Soz, You are right about the characteristics of
the dog, they ARE splendid aren't they?
Probably makes the most easy to get along
with person of all types. Loyal. Well, there
is plenty to be said for that. It isn't one of'
my traits according to mine, but I tend to
be that way anyhow.. it is my nature I think.
NO GOAT!! Well, then I am going to have to
find another site for chinese zodiac signs. This
site says goats, no sheep, no rams- just goats.
Loyal fer sure. To a fault.
Gezzy, totally! The whole 2000 thing was part of it, but there was a boom in Chinese babies particularly (so I read) because they wanted their kids to be dragons. It's VERY auspicious and powerful.
Looks like you fit right into my compatibles ;-)
But if so many kids are dragons, wouldn't that kind of dull the effect? Like boomers -- ugh. ;-)
NOW, I see another site claiming to have 12
animal signs being, DOG, DRAGON, HORSE,
SHEEP, SNAKE AND TIGER...... now how can
this be..... the internet is fallible.....
I was disappointed when I was little to learn that I was a dragon because I thought it made me bad. I always wished I was the horse, tiger, or rabbit, but now I feel honored to be a dragon. Thanks :-)
pd, right, a whole coterie of high achievers. Blech. Hopefully most of 'em are IN China.
gezzy, dragons are the opposite of bad. Major mojo, darlin'.
Ain't she cute. Run, little rabbit... run, before your uzi-toting chain-smoking cousin comes 'round...
I had a rabbit when I was a kid who developed a severly crooked neck as the result of some sort of virus. Lived most of its life in a large cage with an apoplectic white rat. That's not, like, some sort of omen, is it?
<coughs, changes subject>
So, Babs, what site were you looking at with the goat?
Awwww Phoenix, that is sooooooooooo cute :-)
Here's another site I found with the sheep and it also tells you what kind of creature you are. I just found out that I'm a wood dragon.