Quote:Religion is about identity.
I agree in part. But "identity" has both social and psychological aspects which differ.
Quote:These two religions taoism and christianity are the exact same in terms of describing super identity or universal identity of an observer in the event.
You are going to have to explain that. As I understand it, Christianity involves the independent existence individual entities (like observers and an omnicient observer "God") whereas Taoism seems to advocate a form of holism, or a non-separation of observer and observed.
Quote: They both describe identity in non-local terms.
If you mean that both attempt
transcendent discussion about "the nature of reality", I agree. But I suggest that this is very different say to "non-locality findings in physics with respect to particle identity" no matter how much we are tempted to speculate on a possible correspondence.
Again, without any background reading, you are playing what Wittgenstein called "language games". You are taking a word like "identity" out of its normal context (e.g. feeling of group membership) and assuming that the same
game can be played as in "particle identity". This is like trying to play golf with a basketball on the assumption that any "ball" is equivalent to any other.