Black men and the police

Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2014 08:21 pm
If anybody's interested, here's the video that (I think) the OP is referring to:

Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2014 08:53 pm
Thanks, FBM. Yeah, that's the one.
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2014 09:10 pm
I'm trying to make sense of how the US got to this point. Yeah, there was institutionalized racism until not so long ago, and deep cultural racism has far from disappeared. I'm old enough to remember school integration and lynchings in the news in the South when/where I grew up. Mississippi Burning was like a documentary of my childhood.

But that historical backdrop isn't enough to fully explain what's going on now. I can't think of a better explanation for the extreme militarization of the police than the misguided War on Drugs, coupled with 9/11 and the resultant paranoia. Exacerbated, of course, by untra-conservative rhetoric, in which racism is so often lurking behind the scenes.

But then there's classism to add to the mix. Dregs of Lutheranism, in which wealth is equated with moral superiority, and in which the poor deserve whatever crap hand they get dealt by the elites. While regarding serving and defending the more affluent - whom they envy - as their top priority, the police seem to have adopted a "Go be poor somewhere else or else" mentality. It's disturbing.

I'd be interested in your assessment of that, snood. I'm no doubt missing something.
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2014 09:17 pm
I just think the veneer we have been painting over the situation has begun to peel. I don't think we have made a lot of progress since there were slaves and the only good Indian was a dead Indian.
Reply Wed 1 Oct, 2014 11:23 pm
Kinda seems that way, dunnit?

Blacks Less Likely To Sell Drugs, Much More Likely To Be Arrested For It: Study

Another day, another piece of evidence showing a vast disparity in who gets arrested over drugs.

From a new Brookings Institute analysis by fellow Jonathan Rothwell released yesterday:http://i1330.photobucket.com/albums/w561/hapkido1996/o-DRUG-DEALING-570_zpsb43fd9c2.jpg

The chart shows that arrests of African-Americans for violent and property crimes have gone down since 1980 but drug related arrests have skyrocketed. Black Americans are 3.6 times more likely to be arrested for selling drugs and 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for possessing them, Brookings Institute found.

When confronted with numbers like these, drug war proponents and law enforcement officials consistently argue that arrests result from crimes committed. In other words, if black people sell or use illegal drugs more often, they will be arrested more frequently.

But the Brookings report also casts doubt on that defense:

Whites were about 45 percent more likely than blacks to sell drugs in 1980, according to an analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth by economist Robert Fairlie. This was consistent with a 1989 survey of youth in Boston. My own analysis of data from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that 6.6 percent of white adolescents and young adults (aged 12 to 25) sold drugs, compared to just 5.0 percent of blacks (a 32 percent difference).
Part of the explanation, according to the Washington Post, could be that, in black neighborhoods, drugs are more often sold outside, in the open, whereas in predominantly white neighborhoods, the activity takes place inside.

"If you sell drugs outside, you're much more likely to get caught," the Post notes.

If you are caught, Rothwell says, it will likely have a deleterious effect on your ability to move up the socio-economic ladder.

"The drug war has a profoundly negative effect on racial equality, and on rates of upward mobility," Rothwell writes.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 10:22 am
I'm trying to make sense of how the US got to this point.


In late October, 1966, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party.

"The Revolution has come, it's time to pick up the gun. Off the pigs!", helped create the Panthers' reputation as a violent organization.

On October 28, 1967,[59] Oakland police officer John Frey was shot to death in an altercation with Huey P. Newton during a traffic stop.

On April 7, 1968, seventeen-year-old Panther national treasurer Bobby Hutton was killed, and Eldridge Cleaver, Black Panther Party Minister of Information, was wounded in a shootout with the Oakland police. Two police officers were also shot. Although at the time the BPP claimed that the police had ambushed them, several party members later admitted that Cleaver had led the Panther group on a deliberate ambush of the police officers, provoking the shoot out.

An influx of college students joined the group, which had consisted chiefly of "brothers off the block." This created some tension in the group.

Some members were more interested in supporting the Panthers social programs, while others wanted to maintain their "street mentality".
Significant disagreements among the Party's leaders over how to confront ideological differences led to a split within the party. Certain members felt the Black Panthers should participate in local government and social services, while others encouraged constant conflict with the police. For some of the Party's supporters, the separations among political action, criminal activity, social services, access to power, and grass-roots identity became confusing and contradictory as the Panthers' political momentum was bogged down in the criminal justice system. These (and other) disagreements led to a split.

Some Panther leaders, such as Huey Newton and David Hilliard, favored a focus on community service coupled with self-defense; others, such as Eldridge Cleaver, embraced a more confrontational strategy. Eldridge Cleaver deepened the schism in the party when he publicly criticized the Party for adopting a "reformist" rather than "revolutionary" agenda and called for Hilliard's removal. Cleaver was expelled from the Central Committee but went on to lead a splinter group, the Black Liberation Army, which had previously existed as an underground paramilitary wing of the Party

spring, 1970—the Oakland BPP engages in another ambush of police officers with guns and fragmentation bombs. Two officers are wounded.

In response to the death of Black Panther members Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in December, 1969 during a police raid, on May 21, 1970 the Weather Underground issued a "Declaration of War" against the United States government, using for the first time its new name, the "Weather Underground Organization" (WUO), adopting fake identities, and pursuing covert activities only. These initially included preparations for a bombing of a U.S. military non-commissioned officers' dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey in what Brian Flanagan said had been intended to be "the most horrific hit the United States government had ever suffered on its territory.

"If you’ve been watching cable news, reading Hollywood celebrities’ tweets, and listening to race-hustling opportunists, you might think that every police officer in America has a finger on the trigger, hunting for any excuse to gun down defenseless youths.

This hysterical nonsense must be stopped.

The Cirque du Cop-Bashing, with Al Sharpton as ringmaster, is working overtime to exploit the deadly incident in Ferguson, Mo. That means stoking anti–law enforcement fires at all costs.

Are there bad cops? Yes. Does the police state go overboard sometimes? Yes. Do the demagogues decrying systemic racism and braying about “assassinations” know what happened when teenager Mike Brown was tragically shot and killed last week? No.

Here’s a reality check. While narcissistic liberal journalists and college kids are all posting “hands up” selfies in hipster solidarity with Ferguson protesters, it’s law-enforcement officers who risk their lives in “war zones” every day across the country.

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) reports that a total of 1,501 law-enforcement officers died in the line of duty during the past ten years, an average of one death every 58 hours, or 150 per year. These include local and state police officers, federal officers, correctional officers, and military law-enforcement officers.

Fact: Last year, 100 law-enforcement officers were killed. On average, over the past decade, there have been 58,261 assaults against law enforcement each year, resulting in 15,658 injuries.

Fact: New York City has lost more officers in the line of duty than any other department, with 697 deaths. Texas has lost 1,675 officers, more than any other state.

Just this week, NLEOMF released preliminary fatality statistics from August 2013 to August 2014. Total fatalities are up 14 percent, from 63 last year to 72 this year. “Five officers were killed in ambushes, which continue to be a major threat to law enforcement safety,” the group notes."

Police use of force is rare. Data gathered by the Bureau of Justices Statistics in 2008, shows less than 2% of the 40 million people who had contact with police reported the use of force or threatened use of force.

Between 1945 and 1967 annual U.S. police deaths hovered around 15o. In 1965 138 deaths were reported. That jumped to 161 in 66 and 191 in 67. By 1970 that number surpassed 200 and stayed that way until the mid 80s. The number was reduced in no small part by new training standards and tactics called, "The Officer Safety Program" Furthermore, after the disasterous police response to the Texas Tower shooting and growing civil unrest, SWAT teams were established to deal with especially dangerous situations.
Also, it was after this time that college campuses and airports formed their own police agencies.

The mentality to challenge police at every opportunity by members of the black community continues today spurred on by by the liberal press and people like Sharpton and others. This results in more shootings and the death of more blacks. IT KEEPS THE" REVERANDS" IN BUSINESS.
Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 07:20 pm
Tough to attribute the current increase in police militarization and brutality to an organization that ceased to be active over 30 years ago. Thank you for coming out as a racist. Now I know who I'm dealing with here.
Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 08:12 pm
Keep 'em beat down, eh?

Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 09:00 pm
Story and two videos here: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/video-shows-police-brutality-victim-hands-up-dept-force-justified/#jwcR1QXyzO7GUtl2.99

Of course, the victim is black.

Police Say they Brutalized this Man Because He Went for Cop’s Gun. New Video Shows They’re Lying

Despite the evidence against them, the police department has insisted that the use of force was necessary and justified.

New video released in a police brutality case in Baltimore shows that the police had lied in their initial reports about what took place on the night in question. New cell phone video shows that victim Jamar Kennedy was actually attempting to move away from police with his hands above his head at the time of the assault.

However, the police said in their report, and in testimony after the incident, that Kennedy was being violent with them, and attempted to grab an officers gun. In the multiple videos to come out since the arrest, it is clear that the situation was nothing like the police officers described it.


Read more at the link.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 09:32 pm
FBM, I am not engaged here, big woos of my own. but extremely glad to see/here what you say.
Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 09:38 pm
I'm glad to hear that, osso. Very Happy Maybe if there's enough of a stir made about this, the police will take notice and make policy changes. Hopefully, anyway.
Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 09:58 pm
I've watched this.

Police did change in LA post riots, then called that. Not that I trust it..

The building next to my later business partner's burned - that was on La Cienega.
We got out, via some radio news. Um, remember radio?

Me, I think justice is a sorry lot. Don't get me started.

Still I think it is a good idea.

Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 10:17 pm
Yeah, unfortunately, the changes that were affected in LA weren't spread nationwide. That seems to suggest to me that it will take a nationwide campaign to get that sort of result. It really shouldn't, though. Now we've got a much more pervasive social media network. Hmm.
Reply Thu 2 Oct, 2014 10:31 pm
sleepy, back tomorrow
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2014 02:44 pm
Tough to attribute the current increase in police militarization and brutality to an organization that ceased to be active over 30 years ago. Thank you for coming out as a racist. Now I know who I'm dealing with here.

Hey dumb ass..there is no "current" increase...it's been ongoing since the 80s.
The only racist here is you...and your obvious bias for white cops. This is proved by your lack of concern for all the blacks that are killed by other blacks.

I never asked the color of the caller when I was dispatched to a call for help.
But with you, any white cop is a racist. Your posts are very telling in that regard.
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2014 06:24 pm
Somebody hasn't been paying attention.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2014 06:46 pm
FBM wrote:

Now we've got a much more pervasive social media network.

That's right and look what it drove into the White House!
Reply Fri 3 Oct, 2014 07:10 pm
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Reply Fri 10 Oct, 2014 06:46 pm
Security firm involved in St Louis shooting has history of lawsuits
Source: Guardian

Security firm involved in St Louis shooting has history of lawsuits

Company that employed off-duty police officer who shot Vonderrit Myers Jr has paid out settlements over other incidents

theguardian.com, Friday 10 October 2014 20.17 EDT

The security company for which a St Louis police officer was working when he shot dead a black 18-year-old this week paid out tens of thousands of dollars to settle lawsuits over incidents involving other off-duty police officers working for it, according to the plaintiffs in those suits.

Vonderrit Myers Jr was killed on Wednesday evening by a 32-year-old city police officer who was working a shift as a security guard for GCI Security. St Louis police said that Myers shot three times at the officer, who has not been named, and that the officer fired repeatedly in response.

The shooting has drawn attention to the widespread practice of St Louis police officers working second jobs as private security guards. The officer who shot Myers was wearing his police uniform at the time, something permitted by the department. GCI alone was reported in 2012 to employ 168 police officers.

Jeff Smith, a former Missouri state senator, said on Twitter on Friday that he had previously lived on Flora Place, the residential street in south St Louis that the officer involved was guarding. “Fee was $500/yr per house,” he wrote.

Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2014/oct/11/security-firm-involved-in-st-louis-shooting-has-history-of-lawsuits
Reply Fri 10 Oct, 2014 07:04 pm
A new study by Pro Publica of FBI data on police-involved deaths found that black males between the ages 15 and 19 are 21 times more likely to be killed by police than their white counterparts.

The 1,217 deadly police shootings from 2010 to 2012 captured in the federal data show that blacks, age 15 to 19, were killed at a rate of 31.17 per million, while just 1.47 per million white males in that age range died at the hands of police.
(The FBI compiles self-reported information from police departments across the country. Many departments don't report their data; Deadspin is currently trying to put together a more complete police shooting database.)
Could higher rates of crime commission by black teens relative to their white peers explain that difference? Or, put differently, are black teenagers simply that much more likely than white teenagers to be involved in situations in which police violence is justified?

The data suggest that the answer is no. This post by activist Tim Wise points to Department of Justice statistics that break down violent crimes by the race of the perpetrator. Combining these DoJ numbers—from 2008, the most recent year for which data appears to be available—with population info, it looks like black Americans are between two and three times as likely to commit a violent crime as white Americans. But even assuming that black male teenagers are three times as likely as white teenagers to legitimately threaten the life of a police officer doesn't explain why they're
twenty times more likely to be killed by police.


Black willingness to confront the police, the refusal to be submissive as evidenced in many rap lyrics, would explain it.

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