1. First Name: Joe
2. Race: White
3. Age: 24
4. Gender: Male
5. Did you play video games as a child? Circle: YES
6. Do you play video games now? Circle: YES
7. Why did you play/ not play video games as a kid? - Friends introduced me to video games
8. How often do you play video games now? - According to steam about 60 hours per week
9. Do you play the same type of video games now as you did as a kid? - No, I have better taste now
10. What types of video games did you play then/now?
Then - Movie Games, Demos, Violent Games
Now - AAA Titles, Indie Games, Co-Op Games, Blizzard Games
11. How old were you when you started playing video games? - 5/6ish
12. If you didn’t play video games when you were young, why do you play them now (if you do)? Played when i was young
Hope this information is useful, I dont see why you need to know my first name though