yes, I'll keep your pee in mind. I mean, no, wait ...
There's more pictures still ... (dont even think I'm gonna let you all be)
Like this one. We had it last year, then it died. Or so we thought. Bare, bleak and brown ... but in a melancholic enough autumn tint for me to decide to just keep it, anyway.
Then this year, new leaves started sprouting, bottom up. First I thought it was more weeds, just like my dead willow pot now hosts pretty weeds (featured on the right in this photo). But I went to the market the other day, and saw that these leaves do actually belong to this plant: it's a Spirea.
Now I have two questions. One is out of pure curiosity: the leaves have come in two distinctly different colours as you can see, half a much lighter green than the other half. How come?
Two: as you can see the brown whatchamacallits that gently rise above the leaves are still quite dead. On the market I saw how they are alive. Seeing how the spirea isnt, considering all those new leaves, actually dead, how can I get new, live whatchamacallits to gently rise above instead? Should I take these dead ones out?
(I've been kinda reluctant, because dead or not, they are still, in their way, quite pretty - prettier than nothing in any case, should nothing appear in their place.)