We can't answer that for you. The interaction of vitamins, supplements and pharmaceuticals is mostly individual and based on the person's health status.
As has been said many many, too many, times to you, get an overall evaluation of your medications from professionals who will also get a comprehensive health history from you.
I've already made two recommendations to you, a pharmacist or herbal supplement vendor. Chai has suggested a nutritionist.
It isn't a matter of saving money, it is about improving your quality of life for whatever time you have left. Medicare will cover your costs to go see your doctor about it.
My mom had similar things going on with her when I first moved in to care for her. One of the first things I did was take all her medications and supplements to her pharmacist and her primary care physician. It turned out she was being over medicated with several blood pressure medications and she was taking too many acetaminophen based OTC and prescription meds. Her energy levels and overall well being immediately improved.
Someone in your family needs to take charge and do the same for you. Please, again, ask them to assist you in getting this done.