Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:52 am
I only have myself and my general laziness to blame for this. I recently decided to go red after being white blonde for a bit. I slapped some 5 intense R/V onto my head. Viola! Super vibrant, intense R/V. Except this: half of my head is shaved, and my roots were starting to come in when I did it. So the shaved half is a little more copper-y, as are my roots. I'd like to even this out somehow without lightening my shaved patch or my roots. How could I go about adding copper-y tones to the super violet-y red parts? I'm open to all suggestions.
Do a few bleach foils in the red but watch them closely! Your haircolor should lift quickly with the blond underneath. You can tone the foils after shampooing & completely drying them chosing a lv.8C color & applying the copper color after 10 mins after mixing to avoid the lifting the copper right through as it wont affect the darker rv.