Roald01 wrote:
Thanks for the link, it sounds like I'm really into this sort of stuff, but I was just as sceptical as you guys. It's just, how could he have known my Grandad's name?! He said it straight out and I gave nothing away the whole time he talked...
He has obviously researched you, for some reason. It could be just a weird ego trip of his, or a power thing, or something more sinister like recruiting you into his "church" (10% of your future earnings most welcome) , or a financial con in the making.
He could find your grandad's name quite easily, given half a brain and a laptop.
For example....First, note where you live, check your name and date of birth out via local government stats, get onto Ancestry. com and research your family tree.....easy peasy.
There was one recently who not only checked out the card details of punters who purchased tickets to his spiritual meetings, he actually drove round beforehand, memorising details of the house.....green door, monkey puzzle tree in the garden, type of car, neighbourhood, etc.
He would then stun the victim by not only giving out intimate family details, but how their recently died aged father was worried about the monkey puzzle tree falling onto the house, etc.
Two or three insignificant and unrelated little facts, when suddenly connected together, will easily sway a wavering person over to being a full blooded believer.