
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 08:43 am
Roald01 wrote:

Thanks for the link, it sounds like I'm really into this sort of stuff, but I was just as sceptical as you guys. It's just, how could he have known my Grandad's name?! He said it straight out and I gave nothing away the whole time he talked...

He has obviously researched you, for some reason. It could be just a weird ego trip of his, or a power thing, or something more sinister like recruiting you into his "church" (10% of your future earnings most welcome) , or a financial con in the making.
He could find your grandad's name quite easily, given half a brain and a laptop.
For example....First, note where you live, check your name and date of birth out via local government stats, get onto Ancestry. com and research your family tree.....easy peasy.

There was one recently who not only checked out the card details of punters who purchased tickets to his spiritual meetings, he actually drove round beforehand, memorising details of the house.....green door, monkey puzzle tree in the garden, type of car, neighbourhood, etc.

He would then stun the victim by not only giving out intimate family details, but how their recently died aged father was worried about the monkey puzzle tree falling onto the house, etc.
Two or three insignificant and unrelated little facts, when suddenly connected together, will easily sway a wavering person over to being a full blooded believer.

Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 08:43 am
As for the specific point of knowing your grandfather's name, that could be a set-up. He could have learned about you from someone else, and then approached you in what seemed to be an out of the way place.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 08:57 am
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Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 09:18 am
Lordyaswas wrote:

To be honest, if a "Christian stranger" started praying for anyone on a British bus, he'd almost definitely be told to eff off and go pray somewhere else.

sigh....if you do that here, that's just proof to them as to how much you need to be prayed for.
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Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 09:21 am
Roald01 wrote:
chai2 wrote:
a red jacket.
imagine that.

So much abuse! I just wanted to find out more about theology, not sarcasm!

I don't think the sarcasm was directed at you, but rather at the idea that the red jacket was a matter of great significance.

Anyway, con artists have ways of picking up personal information like the name of your Grandad.

I can't tell you what those methods are because I've never bothered to figure them out. But I do know that con artists are quite skilled at discovering information like that and then impressing their victim with their seemingly magical knowledge.

The person who you were talking to was such a con artist.
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 09:24 am
The sarcasm was directed at her.

You need to stop thinking about telling people what I mean.

Now, I shall go pray for you.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 10:10 am
I get the whole psychic thing, people pay to see them but this guy didn't ask for money, or a donation to the church. I just don't get why he would go to all that trouble for nothing in return? Plus the fact this was in the middle of Norway, not at home where I'm surrounded by people who know me. Just seems weird
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 10:32 am
Roald01 wrote:
this guy didn't ask for money, or a donation to the church. I just don't get why he would go to all that trouble for nothing in return?

Maybe he is a beginner and was practicing his technique before moving on to a real target.

Maybe he thought you were wealthy but then suddenly realized that you weren't as rich as he thought.

Maybe he is playing a long game, and plans further encounters with you before he gets what he wants.

Maybe he did get what he wanted, and you just don't realize it.

Roald01 wrote:
Plus the fact this was in the middle of Norway, not at home where I'm surrounded by people who know me. Just seems weird

He was specifically targeting you.

He deliberately chose that remote location to make his attack because he knew it would seem so unreal to you.

When I say "attack", I don't mean violence. But this was clearly a con artist attempting to prey on you.
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Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 11:40 am
OK, I think I have solved the mystery.

I think that this so called prophet is Håkan Nordkvist.


"On August 30, 2006 in Sweden, Håkan Nordkvist came home to find water pooling on his kitchen floor.
Assuming it was a leak, he gathered some tools and, opening the kitchen sink cabinet, reached his arm in to feel for the piping.
But he reached farther than he’d expected.

"I had to crawl inside the cabinet, and as I did so, I discovered that it just continued. So I kept on crawling further and further into the cabinet. In the end of the tunnel I saw a light, and when I got there, I realized I was in the future.”
Nordkvist claimed that he traveled into the future, to the year 2042. There, he met his 72-year-old self, and they compared tattoos and shared personal information that only the true Håkan Nordkvist would know.

As is usually the case, sometimes it’s better to suspend disbelief and just enjoy the story itself. A man finds a wormhole under his kitchen sink and meets his future self, videotapes the encounter on his phone, and makes it back in time for dinner?
Why not?.....

Mr Nordkvist pictured with his future self....


Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 11:50 am
Haha he certainly didn't look like that, but I get the point - maybe I did fall into a trap but I still think he was legit
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 11:54 am
Then his work was done.

I would advise that you never give this man any confidential information of any kind, and look out for possible future "accidental" meetings.

If he does turn out to be a prophet, please could you get me the winning UK Lotto numbers for the forthcoming New Years Eve draw.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 12:00 pm
A Séance is being held above the Nag's Head Pub....

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Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 02:11 pm
Sounds like a scam. I believe a biblical term that might apply is 'divination', a practice considered sinful.

Welcome to the forum
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Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 03:13 pm
The prophets talked about the results of conditions which were occurring at that time, bot the future. We assign some things as prophesy in hind site.
Science has defined how "The God Particle" should act and are busy attempting to create something in the worlds larges atom smasher that acts that way. Finding a particle that lasts for a fraction of a second and exhibits properties they have pre designed doesn't mean they found the God Particle., it would only mean they have created something close to what they were looking for. I do like the name they gave it.
Reply Wed 3 Sep, 2014 03:32 pm
Your remarks make me suspect that either you are not a native speaker of English, or that you are some fanatical bible-thumper.

say that (a specified thing) will happen in the future.
"Jacques was prophesying a bumper harvest"
synonyms: predict, foretell, forecast, foresee, forewarn of, prognosticate
"did those mystical sages ever prophesy anything other than calamity?"

That's the number one result of a google search. English is my native language, Sonny Boy--don't try to teach your grandmother how to suck eggs.
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Reply Sat 6 Sep, 2014 04:42 am
If I were a believer, I imagine I might try to convert people by convincing them that I was a skeptic who had an anecdote that proves whichever god I believed in. Old game, that.
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