snakes being born alive????

Reply Wed 26 May, 2004 01:56 pm
Dennis Miller, the onion of comedy.
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Reply Wed 26 May, 2004 02:18 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Dennis Miller, the onion of comedy.

Yep, that's why he stinks and nobody wants to be around him.
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Reply Wed 26 May, 2004 02:20 pm
I think he's funny as hell, but sometimes he does stink.
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Reply Wed 26 May, 2004 02:26 pm
It's kinda dumb but I can't get it out of my head now, "snakes alive" leads to "sakes alive", I forget who used to exclaim that all the time...maybe Loweezy in Snuffy Smith...

A very fundamental exclamation if that was the origin of it...

Snakes being born alive, rather than hatched from eggs as a reptile should...

Just blurring the division, the fundamental division... Times out of joing as Hamlet saw things maybe...

And again, in case anyone missed it, the Word proceeds from the Mouth of God....and is typed a "worm" also, a time or two, quite snakelike...

So the idea of snakes being born from the mouth just mesmerized me...but this does not seem to be the case...

Words, Arrows, Children, all used interchangeably in the bible...the loins give birth to physical children, the loins of the mind "gird the loins of your mind"...give birth to Understanding...and when we put it into words...well it may be for good or ill...

I guess....I'm always looking for convincing ways to show that we cannot solve our problems by isolating the "disease" and destroying it...but only by understanding and fitting things together...and I say this is "what the bible says" and not just some new age mumbo jumbo I made up...but alas the bible crowd doesn't want to hear it...and neither does the new age or atheist crowd...I hate to say it but it just goes to prove the truth of that tower of babel story, every man speaks only his own tongue...and it takes the miracle of the Word for us to find a common language...to see how we really belong to each other, all for one, one for all, united we stand, divided we fall...

But maybe if we think that way no one survives at all...I don't know...on with killing and being killed, survival of the fittest may the best man win, etc... Funny how much religionists hate evolutionists, they are all the same to me...no mercy there for me...cold and hard....
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Reply Wed 26 May, 2004 02:30 pm
cjhsa wrote:
I think he's funny as hell, but sometimes he does stink.

His standup is wicked, but why they chose him to do colour commentary on football is beyond me...not his medium.
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Reply Wed 26 May, 2004 02:35 pm
I was one of the few who liked him on MNF.
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Reply Wed 26 May, 2004 02:37 pm
That's only because you are smarter than the average football fan, cjhsa. I found him funny there too, but come on....for the average punter, he made no sense. Laughing
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Reply Wed 26 May, 2004 02:48 pm
Speaking of punters...I assisted with my daughter's soccer practice last night and played goalie during scrimmage. I'm a lousy keeper, but I stopped a few and punted one. When I punted (about 75 feet in the air and all the way down to the other goalie, who happens to be a former Stanford sweep), the girl who normally plays goalie turned around towards me and went "Whoa!". That made me smile.
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Reply Wed 26 May, 2004 09:13 pm
And soccer has what to do with snakes? I think we have two threads getting mixed up here.
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Reply Thu 27 May, 2004 05:27 am
Yeah I noticed...kinda gave up though...but I can understand, I was getting "off topic" too with all those perambulations...I can't stay on topic, everything seems to bleed into everything else...

My original topic was off topic, lol, I wanted to talk about snakes, science and religion. The coincidence of the three of them.
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Reply Thu 27 May, 2004 07:49 pm
Ah! Snakes, Science, and religion, my favorite topics, though I don't know anything about Christianity or the Bible. However, I think snakes are an important symbol in the Western World.

I didn't understand what you were talking about in your long post, perhaps you could rephrase it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 May, 2004 07:51 pm
Ah! Snakes, Science, and religion, my favorite topics, though I don't know anything about Christianity or the Bible. However, I think snakes are an important symbol in the Western World.

I didn't understand what you were talking about in your long post, perhaps you could rephrase it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 May, 2004 07:23 am
coluber2001 wrote:
Ah! Snakes, Science, and religion, my favorite topics, though I don't know anything about Christianity or the Bible. However, I think snakes are an important symbol in the Western World.

I didn't understand what you were talking about in your long post, perhaps you could rephrase it.

This is going to run on interminably like all my posts, lol...please forgive me, I need to talk this stuff out...but I will BOLDFACE the short answer to what you asked, what that initial post was about...in a concise way, so you can just glance down to that part if you like.

If religion is a favorite topic with you, what is your "source material" if not the bible? Were you nurtured in any sort of religious mentality as a young person?

Yes I know there are lots of religions in the world, and the internet is a diverse place, lol...

It will be difficult for us to communicate...but good for me to try...any moron can talk to someone who already knows all he is saying...but you must tell me more stuff about snakes...in return... (Didyou read that Cowper poem link, if not GO BACK AND READ IT, The Colubriad!)

I know a great deal about the bible and it is very "credible" to me, but as a source of MEANING rather than physical facts...though I expect those also hold true somehow, in the end...

My favorite example, "the two become one flesh", the literalist, if he was not forced to face the fact we see all the time, would insist "marriage" means people become SIAMESE TWINS.... not so...and yet the two very much do become "one flesh"...in the act of marriage, the beast with two backs Shakespeare called it (Othello)...and the issue of marriage, the "new creature"...

But people who are terrified...and who isn't, the world is a scary place...are so careful trying to be "safe" (saved?) they destroy themselves with their "carefulness"...and literal bible lovers...are crazy..."in sane"...contrary to health/life...that is what it means... Live to save your life, you lose it, literal bible verse that.

I find every "artistic expression" to also be highly Credible, as a source of meaning....and somehow corresponding to the bible, as I understand it...just thinking of Jack and the Beanstalk this morning...and Hansel and Gretel...those "fairy tales", fraught with intuitive meaning...I love science too, the little bit I can understand...but I think the visible is perishable...and I am interested in something eternal, if I can possible connect with it...

But Jack you know, went up on high...and killed the cruel one...and brought gifts to men...music, gold....and the hen that layed the golden eggs also...the source itself, of Wealth...

Christ...Ps 68:18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.

Well he seems a bit like Jack to me...Prometheus also...he saved others himself he cannot save...

That verse is in Handel's Messiah...a very good overview of the bible, by a great genius...two really, Handel and the librettist, I forget his name, but he was a genius also..an outsider...Christ went "outside the camp"...

And yet a sheep that gets lost dies...there ain't no easy way, Tom Petty.

If one is a sheep, stay with the flock. If one is a Man...be One...Just as I Am..."quit you like men", I Cor 16:13... When I became a Man I put away childish things...bible verse...

There is a famous bible verse, My Word that has gone out of my mouth will not return unto me void, Is 55:11...

Well we learn in John 1 that this "word" is Christ...Logos...Meaning
...no the literalists don't think that way, to them he is "just a man" (did you see the Matrix movies, LOVED THEM!!)

The Word goes out of God's Mouth.

We also see in the bible that Christ is likened to a Snake..."as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up"...John 3.

There are some other things to back that up but it gets lengthy...

All the hatred and killing in the world comes from people seeing "good and evil"...And God knows we DO have to contend with "good and evil"...anyone who says otherwise is LIAR....there are plenty of loonies of all stripes about...wrestling with the impossible circumstances dealt out to human beings, as best they can...

Good and Evil...like Day and Night...who can deny them? And yet, when you move beyond "earth"...it turns out the only light we have is the Sun...and it's just LIGHT ALL THE TIME...whether we experience it or not depends on whether we are facing the Sun...or turned away...moved away...it's not like we get to choose...and there are much bigger lights than the sun, but they are so far away...we are so small...

Anyway, the conventional way to "fight death"...and that is what we are here for, that is the Last Enemy to be put under our feet so to speak, I Cor 15:26...

An aside here...I am learning so much trying to explain something to you, the value in "witnessing", lol...but in Song of Solomon, it says "love is as strong as death"...I always wanted it to say STRONGER, but it doesn't....I really think our "reality" is all about opposing forces in some kind of delicate balance...keeps the planets and electrons orbiting...not flying away, but not crashing into the center...unless it's a black hole...I saw some comets not long ago, for the first time...and really directed my attention to astronomy...never thought about it before, except the Sun and Moon... Anyway...I wonder if we try to destroy "death" too soon, if we perhaps do away with love also...with meaning itself...I became a sort of "universalist" in religion...and man oh man to "christians" hate them...and I sort of understand why now...it's like killing God to them, taking away meaning...the authority to pronounce condemnation...

If done prematurely I can see it would be a terrible thing...

Well even I am getting bored now, lol...

I just thought that perhaps God IS something like a Snake...and if Snakes beget snakes out of their mouths, it would really back up my theory...
A snake in the popular vernacular is such a symbol of evil...but actually snakes are our friends...they do not hurt anyone unless you step on them...and in fact they destroy things that ARE harmful to men...rats mainly...

I don't think it is because of the bible alone that men generally have hated snakes...but the bible is a big influence in western cultural thinking...

And I think...to recognize that even "evil"...is really ultimately meant for Good...and grownups ought not to be busy evaluating People as "good or evil" but only circumstances...the People themselves are holy and divine, to despise them is to despise God Himself (yep I got a verse, I Thess 4:8, and James 3:8-11).

In the bible when the "children of Israel" complained because their life was hell, following God...they wanted to abandon him...that is when the snakes bit them...and the cure was looking up to...what? You guessed it, a SNAKE...

Made Sin for Us, so it says...this Christ....and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me...

But we will always have childish people too, can't be helped, that's what keeps things rolling and moving, interactions between varying levels of understanding...

I was thinking also, it's like computer language, there is really only "1" and "0"....All and Nothing...and then all the gradations in between...according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith...

I know that didn't make it any clearer but thanks for asking anyway, it helped me a little, to talk about it...I might go take this to one of my old religious stomping grounds..

I wanted to show that the Bible itself read thoughtfully does not teach us to view some things as "evil" (to the pure all things are pure)...we are here to understand...what promotes life, what destroys it...and you have to destroy some kinds of life to promote others, again it is very complicated and interrelated as we all know, intuitively...it's just the crude boors who talk openly about "what God says so do it dammit"...

I've got just a little bit more to say, lol...

Perhaps you've heard of this verse, John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He GAVE His Only Begotten Son...that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life."

We are all perishing of course, I'm 53, my bones hurt. But perhaps we are not only "material", that was the idea that got Dr. Frankenstein into trouble, what really does make the difference between a dead body and a living one, the moment before and after death, the Material is the same...but what is Life... I do not think Life can Perish. Or Meaning either, so I look for it, as hard as I can.

Well...God's Only Begotten Son is a "gift" to further Life. But God also gives "sore travail"...another "gift"..."shall we receive good from the Lord and not evil?" That was Job. No we must receive both. And they serve the same End, I think... Eccl 1:13, "to be exercised thereby", Heb 12:11, "the peaceable fruit of righteousness"..

"Satan", for the destruction of the flesh, I Cor 5:5...and he's the one with the power of death and the "serpent" also we read in Rev...

I think sore travail corresponds to "satan"...and beauty corresponds to "christ"...and both work together to "perfect" us...

Christ is equated with the Father in Christian thinking...just as the idea of "son of" generally means greater than what went before...Son of God, Son of Man...

He is Lord of the Dead also though... Rom 14:9...and the "power of death" belongs to "the devil", Heb 2:14-15, and yet Deut 32:39, God speaking, "I kill and I make alive and there is no god beside me.."

In Eden, the "serpent" was the "most subtil" of God's creatures...and in the book of Proverbs, Life depends on the "simple" learning "subtilty" (Prov 1:4,6)...it's all about Wisdom the virtuous woman...but the strange woman will teach you a thing or two also... The strange woman, lack of wisdom, "no god"...stupidity...
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