Re: Poem 303 (Dickinson)
Radical Edward wrote:Hello everybody!
I've got a kind of... problem with a poem.
I really like poetry, but here, I have comprehension problems...
Can anybody tell me what this poem Means (or wht he/she understands)
303 (by Emily Dickinson)
The Soul selects her own society -
Then - shuts the Door -
To her divine Majority -
Present no more -
Unmoved - she notes the Chariots -pausing -
At her low Gate -
Unmoved - an Emperor be kneeling
Upon her Mat -
I've known her - from an ample nation -
Choose One -
Then - close the Valves of her attention -
Like Stone -
Thanks for your help :wink:
Well...I felt moved to give it a try, I really love a few Dickinson poems, only looked at her seriously the last year or so...
That last stanza makes me think of how the egg is impregnated by one sperm...and then the door is closed so to speak, to all others...Hard to what is alien to itself ever after...
The first stanza tells us this is our Soul...waiting to be awakened perhaps...I think of those Indians who took peyote and then went off to find their "dream"...
What I really think is the Divine Majority is the rest of the Truth that is outside what is revealed to us...and rather like the "age of accountability"...or self awareness, we define what is "us"...and reject what is external to us...this Other we do not respect as our immature state...when we remain like rock and stones ye worse than senseless things...
May be TOTALLY out of line, but that is how it struck me, not an ideal situation but something that people go through, on the way to maturity...
I think the stone is broken and softened by time...changed into living flesh.