Apparently women are smarter than men according to Michelle Obama

cicerone imposter
Fri 15 Aug, 2014 10:41 pm
Okay, you wrote,
I am however accusing you of either being senile or an idiot.

0 Replies
Lustig Andrei
Fri 15 Aug, 2014 10:42 pm
maxdancona wrote:

I don't get the point of this thread.

Then you don't know nononononononono. He's obsessed on this subject as evidenced on other threads.
0 Replies
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 09:04 am
Apparently women are smarter than men because only men are here whining and trying to make a big deal out of the statement.
Romeo Fabulini
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 11:18 am
Women warship captains wouldn't really work anyway..

SONAR OPERATOR- "I'm picking up the engine sound of a submerged submarines ma'am, shall I switch to active sonar to pinpoint its position?"
WOMAN CAPTAIN- "No! that wretched pinging noise sets my nerves on edge and gives me a headache!"
0 Replies
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 11:28 am
And then there are some men that are bound and determined to prove cats, dogs, horses and cows are smarter than men.
cicerone imposter
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 11:29 am
but, but, but, .... I think some dogs are smarter!
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 11:42 am
Ah, women drivers, whatever would we do without 'em?..Wink

News, March 2014- "It has been alleged that the pilot may have made an error as she came in to land, injuring all eight cabin crew.
Some passengers were said to have claimed the flight felt 'heavy' as it hit the tarmac, with reports of cabin crew members adopting the brace position and oxygen masks dropping above people's heads and passengers screaming"

0 Replies
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 07:47 pm
Apparently women are smarter than men because only men are here whining and trying to make a big deal out of the statement.

If president Obama said "Men are smarter than women.", would you feel the same way?
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 07:59 pm
nononono wrote:

Apparently women are smarter than men because only men are here whining and trying to make a big deal out of the statement.

If president Obama said "Men are smarter than women.", would you feel the same way?

yes, i still wouldn't care
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 08:01 pm
yes, i still wouldn't care

...Pretty sure it would be on the front page of every newspaper, and all over the media.

"The misogynist president!"

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 08:08 pm
I think some perspective would be helpful.
We know throughout history, women have been treated as second class citizens in most cultures. That they were not as productive as men isn't even a fair comparison - just as blacks were held back.

It's been shown through research at Stanford University that groups who are told they are not smart will perform poorer on tests, and those students who usually struggle will do better when told they are smarter.

When women and blacks have been told for generations that they are not intelligent, it really has an impact on the majority, and we all understand that they have been held back from opportunities and improvement for a very long time; most were even discouraged and not allowed to attend school.

Just saying "women are smarter than men," or "men are smarter than women" are based on ignorance as much as gender and racial bigotry.

Sat 16 Aug, 2014 09:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
We know throughout history, women have been treated as second class citizens in most cultures.

I dont know that. It looks to me that for most of history the work was divided by sex, but that the sexes were considered equal. This idea that women have always been victims of men suits the agenda of the feminists to victimize men now, but it lacks a factual basis.
cicerone imposter
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 09:22 pm
You apparently know nothing about the history of Christianity or Islam, nor many of the cultures that treated women as property.

Even today, many men oppress women in many ways - even here in the US.
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 09:39 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Even today, many men oppress women in many ways - even here in the US.

Complete hogwash!
cicerone imposter
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 09:41 pm
You wrote,
Complete hogwash!

That's not an answer; provide evidence/proof it's hogwash.

Your opinions are worth zilch until you can base it on facts or evidence.

From Psychology Today.
The oppression of women stems largely from men’s desire for power and control. The same need which, throughout history, has driven men to try to conquer and subjugate other groups or nations, and to oppress other classes or groups in their own society, drives them to dominate and oppress women. Since men feel the need to gain as much power and control as they can, they steal away power and control from women. They deny women the right to make decisions so that they can make them for them, leave women unable to direct their own lives so that they can direct their lives for them. Ultimately, they’re trying to increase their sense of significance and status, in an effort to offset the discontent and sense of lack created by humania.

In the US: Women still earn .88c to men's $1.00. Men makes health care decisions for women through politics that takes away women's right to their own control.
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 09:57 pm
@cicerone imposter,
provide evidence/proof it's hogwash

Read my multitudes of posts on this subject.

In the US: Women still earn .88c to men's $1.00. Men makes health care decisions for women through politics that takes away women's right to their own control.

This is a FLAT. OUT. LIE.

Read my posts on the 3 most current pages of the Elliot Rodger thread. Specifically these:

Not to mention that even if this were true (which it is NOT) this is not a legal right Setanta, you moron.

In fact, in the United States there is a law that was signed in 1963 by JFK that SPECIFICALLY prohibits wage discrimination based on gender. You can read about this law right here:




So again Setanta, even if men were being paid more for equal work (which they are NOT), that would not be a legal right that they are entitled to. What it would be is discrimination on the employer's part. A discrimination that would be punishable under U.S. law. You know, the U.S. law that PROTECTS women from wage discrimination.

Not to mention, you're like WAY older than me and you've never heard of the equal pay act???

I wasn't even alive then and I've heard of it!

So what we've established (besides that you're a douchebag/idiot, Setanta) is that not only do men NOT have a "legal right" to make more money than women do, but conversely women have the SAME EXACT opportunities to make as much money as men do!

But the thing is that women CHOOSE (of their own free will) to work less hours than men do, and to go into lower paying career fields.

How many women do you know of that study to become an engineer for example?

But feminists sure love to spin this into women being payed less. But they only seem to bitch about there not being as many women in high prestige jobs such as CEOs. They never bitch about there being less female coal miners or oil workers then males. Because feminists don't want to do these hard labor jobs! Even though they're more than welcome to! Even though these jobs pay well!

And let's think about it like this:

So in our capitalist society, if a company can save 23 cents on the dollar by hiring more women, it's still somehow more important to have a lot of penis around. Penises being around is THAT important.

In our society which has deemed it AGAINST THE LAW to discriminate based on gender, all these companies are willing to knowingly throw caution to the wind just to have more penises around! It's worth facing fines and/or whatever other penalties just to have more penises around!

Women in western society are the most privileged, pampered creatures to ever walk the face of the earth.
0 Replies
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 10:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Men makes health care decisions for women through politics that takes away women's right to their own control.

And by the way, women outnumber men in the U.S. so they have more voting power.

If they don't like the laws the way they are, then they should use their majority voting power to change them! Either that or it's their own fault that laws are the way they are.

ALSO, men don't get the government to pay for their condoms!
0 Replies
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 10:06 pm
@cicerone imposter,
The oppression of women stems largely from .......

is that how logic works were you come from, you make an assumption and then try to explain why the assumed condition might happen?
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 10:40 pm
is that how logic works were you come from, you make an assumption and then try to explain why the assumed condition might happen?

This also how logic works for feminists!

They make a conclusion BEFORE they look for facts.
0 Replies
Sat 16 Aug, 2014 10:41 pm
Interestingly we have Lauren Bacall (1987) saying that women are smarter than men, and then going on for almost a minute on all the ways women are better.

5:55 mark

I think it comes off different from Obama, a classic know it all bitch who is sure that she has earned the right to tell the rest of us how to live. I am pretty sure that if she had been asked Bacall would have given a bunch of ways that men are better than women, and her points about male inferiority I largely agree with. That men are easy to emotionally manipulate because we are not in touch with our emotions the feminists exploit for our subjection. Men are genetically predisposed to try to please women, when the feminist run culture teaches males constantly through childhood "MEN SUCK!" it really fucks us up. Men are in a bad place right now, and male stupidity and emotional weakness is as much the reason as is females attempts to get over on us, victims usually play a big part in their victimization.

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