Quote:By the way, Woman hate that paternalistic appeal to the MEN. As if women were stupid and incompetent.
Want to end the evil you supposedly complain about it: Support Freedom of Conscience as the UN asked for almost 70 years ago.
And stop harassing women who freely choose God as they are allowed
Article 18.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
People like you are the scourge of women.
In my life, I have had intellectual and little fool women.
To be honest, the best times have been with little fool women. They are happy all the time, they love you without limits, they laugh of your jokes, they don't see malice around, they cook, they play and dance, and follow your leadership without questioning. And you can trust in them, surely you can.
From my part, they received all my love, understanding, friendship, trust, it was beautiful.
On the other hand, when I was in a relationship with women who were too much intellectual, they discuss, they say they love you but they want their independence, they do drink and have fun but they care too much in the "appearance", you want to play they want to read, I don't now.
This is my experience, of course, others might have a complete different experience with their past lovers.
The point is that I still are missing the little fool women in my life, and I am thankful because I knew them and we lived a great time in life.
Just in case, Lori, if you are reading this message and recognize me, can you please return the $5,000 you took from my closet the day we split?
I'm not sure, but something is telling me that you weren't that little fool woman I though you were...