Tue 18 May, 2004 07:38 pm
Seven Tanka: Out of Dark...
Out of dark - sun rise
ending those feelings of death -
desperate emptiness.
Letting go old memories
light shines through existence - now.
Welcome emptiness
worn out tracks left far behind
breathing open space.
Excitement no more needed
being centered in oneself.
Faded enthusiasm
life of dedication ends
call echoed in vain.
Again turned back to myself
last question still stays open.
Night - lightning - thunder
finally abundant rain
cooling down sad hearts.
Suffering fellow men stay far
can't be reached by poet's word.
Light before sun rise
quietness of uncertainty -
standby creation.
Twilight zone - doubts left behind
rising sun's grace - vanished 'I'.
Presence in silence
freedom - nothing left to loose
ocean's shores are bridged.
Grill's song filling dimensions
no hold of - embracing all.
What else there's to do?
Washing one's dirty dishes
watering the plants.
Going on one's pathless path
responsibly relating...
Very nice BeiYin. You would be welcome in this thread I started:
It's a tanka game. It took a bit to get the rules straight, but I want the thread to continue, and educate people more about tanka, while having fun as well.