coldjoint wrote:
Quote:There are at least 25.6 million Americans who disagree with that hateful homophobic assessment.
It is not hateful it is a biological fact. Stop whining about the lifestyle you chose.
Quote:Homophobes are the scum of the earth...
I doubt that.
Apparently you have no idea how many bisexual people there are in this world. You are a hateful person CJ.
Start your own threads and stop hanging on mine like a worthless parasite. Afraid no one will come to chat?
Afraid no one respects you? I don't respect hate.
No, you have to cling to a gay guys threads because no one of value likes you.
Even the color pink thinks you're a jerk.
You're jealous of me and think by insulting me it makes you big... It makes you translucent and hollow...