God makes Disease

Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 06:58 pm
God makes diseases and we, the creations of God, make cures for these diseases aren't we defying the god we believe in? Are we all going to hell?
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Type: Question • Score: 10 • Views: 2,187 • Replies: 19

Reply Wed 18 Jun, 2014 11:32 pm
Ain't logic wonderful !
Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2014 01:00 pm
I'm an atheist, but I believe we we're created by alien beings, which you can call God. I bthink they probably whent through alot of trial and error to come up with who we are. But because nothing is perfect, adnomalities in our genes and just over time and being subjected to pollutent, natural or otherwize, we have deloped diseases. The only way to stop diseases like cancer, or MD is through minipulation of our genes. Find the gene or genes that are bad and repair them and alot of diseases could be cured. To wipe the disease out you would have to take the 2 people making a baby and test their genes (DNA) to find the genes in question and if the combination of 2 DNA's would or could cause a disease causing cell to form.
Pollution is a big cause of sickness and disease. We will probably never, totally get rid of pollution. Either from our foods, the water or the air. Just like in foods, like vegetables and or fruit, scientists are constantly coming up with ways to genetially make things disease resistant. Unfortunatley, they don't check enough to make sure people are disease resistant to the genetic modification. As long as it is a "ACCETABLE" low number of people that are allergic to or intollerable to the genetic fix it's allowed. What happens over time though. Constant consumption of the genetically change product, changes or mutates our DNA and we pass in down to our children and childrens, children.
Yes, we are constantly evolving as a species, but not always for the good. When ever you artificially change a product that is absorbed by the human body, you artificially change the human.
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Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2014 03:02 pm
FateSpeaker wrote:

God makes diseases and we, the creations of God, make cures for these diseases aren't we defying the god we believe in? Are we all going to hell?

But we use other things God created to develope the cures.

Maybe it's Gods version of sudoku puzzles for us.
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Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2014 03:06 pm
FateSpeaker wrote:

God makes diseases and we, the creations of God, make cures for these diseases aren't we defying the god we believe in? Are we all going to hell?

If God is as cruel a bastard as you make him out to be, what on earth makes you think that there is a heaven?
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Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2014 03:23 pm
"If God had meant us to fly, wouldn't He have given us wings?"
mark noble
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2014 06:47 am
If you are questioning the christian/judaic god reading the bible yourself may help you.
Isaiah 45:7
God is the creator of all things - both good and evil. (That is NOT the passage, but the interpretation thereof).

Or listen to Roger Waters' 'What God Wants'. pts 1, 2 and 3.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 12:43 am
Tough to answer Razz
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Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 04:30 pm
Yes I think this is a great question to bring up. My best answer is that God is all things inside and outside of the universe, as well as being the designer. The universe that we live in is a "self sustaining" universe. Which is to say that the illusion is actually as real as real gets. And it actually does function on its own. If the goal is to get out and get on with it, then maybe catching a disease is not the worst way to go when that time comes. Also, war and getting hit by a truck are on the menu of possibilities in Gods world. Maybe we will be so smart as to figure out how to get out of Gods thoughts and defy the matter in which we are all made of. Cause we obviously have figured out how to use everything else he put here. Smarter then God? Thats maybe the reason we have some time away? If I was God I would first let my free will creation be free to think for themselves, then each ones who wanted to hang with me are welcome, we could smoke down do what ever, the ones who have no time, reason or logic not so much. I'm just saying...
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 04:51 pm
is the universe "self sustaining?" what of entropy and thermodynamics?
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 05:53 pm
Well put into the context in which I was talking about, the "self sustaining" universe is meant to mean something more like God created this universe to be both made of himself and to evolve on its own more or less with very little intervention on his part or at least that perception. Except for the fact that he put all the laws in place to work as they do in the first place and it is made of himself. If you can believe that I tried to explain that. Yes those are laws that have been observed within the universe, very good. Check out Spinoza and his writings perhaps.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 06:45 pm
cheers Cva, Ill check him out
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Reply Mon 15 Jun, 2015 10:28 pm
"If God had meant us to fly, wouldn't He have given us wings?"

Too cynical
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Reply Tue 16 Jun, 2015 12:29 am
What makes you believe it is God's will that we become sick?

Speaking of a time in the near future:
And no resident* will say: “I am sick.”The people dwelling in the land will be pardoned for their error. (Isiah 33:24)
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Reply Tue 16 Jun, 2015 12:34 am
@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:
Isaiah 45:7
God is the creator of all things - both good and evil. (That is NOT the passage, but the interpretation thereof).
True. It may also be translated as "I form light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity . . ."

Speaking of calamity brought upon those who practice sin.
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Reply Tue 16 Jun, 2015 12:56 am
FateSpeaker wrote:

God makes diseases and we, the creations of God, make cures for these diseases aren't we defying the god we believe in? Are we all going to hell?

Petitionary prayer is asking God to change his Divine Plan just for you. That's pretty self-important, I'd say, asking for a revision of the Divine Plan just so your team can make it to the playoffs...
Reply Tue 16 Jun, 2015 01:03 am
If you haven't already, you might consider tracking down and reading Mark Twain's Letters from Earth. It might be a revelation, so to speak.
Reply Tue 16 Jun, 2015 01:12 am
I'll see if I can find it. It sounds familiar. I like George Carlin's version, though. Wink
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Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2015 09:12 am
No. Jesus helaed the sick and diseased and even revived seemingly dead people. And whats more he taught the disciples how to do it too. Whether he/they literally did or not, that acts as precedent for 'going against God.'

Could look at it from the other direction too though. Diseases are what comes from NOT listening to God. Follow God's laws and you avoid the sorts of things that spread disease, as with the Jewish prohibition about touching dead bodies as it makes on unclean. Touching their dead is what led to the recent ebola outbreak for example.
Reply Wed 12 Aug, 2015 09:52 am
Good points, but even the most devout get diseases.

Face it, this life is temporary. These bodies were not made to live forever and diseases are part of the deal here. Does that make God a bad guy?
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