Fri 18 Oct, 2002 09:50 pm
folks are heading to London (on the QE2!) tomorrow. Anyone know what kind of weather they can expect? I believe they'll
disembark in about a week.
Yes, they have warm clothes for the ocean voyage.
I lived there
January-May, and the weather SUCKED. Never lived in a worse climate. The problem was the horrible pervasive dampness...
Midwest winters are cold but dry, so you bundle up and you're fine. Bundling in London didn't work 'cause the damp would
just seep right through. Ugh.
I do like London, honest, but the weather...
I don't know much about now,
though, but my general advice would be a rainjacket, an umbrella, and waterproof shoes.
Well, they might
get some nice nice days there - you'll never know.
Actual weather plus five days forecast and lots more about
Thank you so much!
I told my folks to bring winter coats (which my Mom was going to do, anyway). :-D
How did it turn out for your parents, Jespah?
When my daughter was in London last fall, she was surprised that it was warmer (yes, warmer) than expected. She hardly wore a heavy coat at all until late in December, asked me to send her some tank tops in mid-October.
We were also there, but returned in mid-October. I used, at most, a leather coat without its lining, a light sweater & slacks and was quite warm. Wasn't even that rainy! 'Course I'm from the PNW.
Well,it´s milder than Scandinavia and can be very bright and crisp during the Winter but yeah,it´s the damp that people remember.
They had a good time but the boat ride back (QEII!) was actually somewhat boring since they don't gamble and aren't much into shopping. They were warm enough, though - thanks to all of you! :-D
They rode over AND back? There's somebody with time on their hands! Isn't that 5 days each way?
They flew there and then took the big boat back.
And they're both retired, hence the time thing.
London town may have crap weather for half the year but its the best city in the world today, BETTA THAN NEW YORK CITY. SHAME USA WE HAVE THE BEST CITY. (we really do anybody who disagrees with this is stupid!!!!)
oohwwe I'll be there in the beggining of October
I hope that the weather will be nice and the family in which I'll be staying too