unedited neophysics draft of september two thousand and twelve

Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 10:08 pm
chapter one/Arcades Cinza/
the alchahest : retro version of 2012

The first postulation places the earth,the other planets of the solar system and their natural satalites,and the sun, a celestial entities in their form as present in observation resulted from the volatile amalgamation of multiple celestial entities of the character of the capital of the solar system- the sun -upwards of ten billion years ago.This is not the ultimate beginning : The galaxy milky way had been a definite structure billions of years prior to this point in time . The amalgamation that immediatly led to the formation of the solar system better depicts the formal nascence of the solar system and its interentital(DEFINITION HERE) communicacy essentially , for a current reference frame. These precursor entities were pulled together by gravitational means , to collide with insufficient force to impact a majority deconstructive dispersal of the immediately formed unifaction.Unifaction such as the particular exampling are common in galaxies throughout the universe ,and and the frequency of these unifactions in galaxies as indicative of the age of the galaxy more so than the type of the galaxy.newly embarced galaxiation would have been too volatile to inflect a unifaction in the range of intensity in which the unifaction that had led to the emergence of the solar system lies in terms of magnitude though in itself a very intense collision, and a galaxy that is as little as to times the present day milky way-most likely unifaction from which the solar system had extended.There has not yet been an observed instance of a galaxy imploding and proceeding to a formal unravelment based on the build up of internal energetic dynamics that eventually led to an exhibition of force more intense than the range that theage of the galaxy should logically be able to propend ,nor has there been observed as yet an instance of galactic stability being significantly reverted ,or progressed by internal propenses of eratic or even arrant projections of energetic disparities. Any such example of this would give probabilty to an irrational material operation where a galaxy would be able to reverse its own material progression autonomously.the estimated age of the galaxy milky way , and the estimated age of the sun which is invariably younger than the galaxy,equates an almost perfect junctural approximation for the energetic range optimally fitting the description of the unifaction from which the solar system was formed. In the formation of a galaxy,after the basic amalgams are formed,the material progression of the galaxy is dictated by the major hand of gravity and the minor hand of chemical quality,as the construct theme for atomic nuclei is the same regardless of the chemicality--the to gravitational construct builds up to a gravitational dominance of all atoms.Gravity takes over the situating of objects and they are brought into various degrees of contact of specific times exactly bringing about the dispersal,the amalgamation , there formalization of material areas and not just objects that are temporally considered singular.The sequence of these interrealtions amounts to the progression of overall material states to gravitational stability which would be the outlay of overall mass that exacts a minimum of gravity caused friction between objects and areas of materiality such as solar systems .the area that is the solar systems etched into the expanse of the galaxy is a predominantly stable region in itself.The occurrence that had brought about the formation of the solar system was in essence a collision or series of collisions,but seen from a wider material view these interactions can be summed as a consolidation of entities in the gravitational execution of wider material stability.This consolidation of mass at the juncture of galaxial progress it had occurred represented the unification of the large entites that in that juncture existed.though there were smaller what is considered entities unvolved in the main was large scale, creating a central object surrounded by consequential expanses of what is temporally considered as space,immediately the object was characterized toposy turvy spin, and material presention like that of the sun and of temperature more intense thatn the sun.The object in its topsy turvy modality reprojected into the expanse of consequential space and beyond piece of itself that lie beyond the area of the galaxy.celestial entities, like the earth ,that now stands as the solar system were reprojected at a far less topsy turvy jucture in the axial stabilization of the object -- the capital ,the sun. The disproportionacy is size between the sun and its orbitals is stark,suggests that the sun is the source of all the known planets in the solar sytems , and is now too axially stable an entity to produce such a significant reproductions,though minor geyser type spews of matter are now commonplace.The irregular axial degree stance of the planets do indicate that they are reproduction from the the sun.Given that the sun has a two dimensional surface the reproductions of matter from a spinnig operation would see the matter gathered over the surface of the sun-- in a mechanism similar to the consolidation--prior to its reproduction therefore any naturallyconferred lateral or diagonal spin would be tempered by the consolidating motion of the surface matter
Prior to the reprojections ,post projection; the lateral or diagonal spin transfered from the sun as a whole object in motion,to the projectile, is diffused and angled by the decellerating force emanating from the acceleration of the gathering surface matter,therefore the planets end up appearing not only at different angles on axial but revolving around the sun at diferent trajectories.Trajectories are most important to this hypothesis.Trajectories are traines by the specific point on the sun that the projectile ejected from,which means that trajectories in a scenario where thr gathering of surface matter accelaeration is not a factual effectixe,should be a uniformal decider of a planets axial intent ,which is to say that the degree difference between trajectories should imapart a fixed degree scale for axial intent : if the planet is relative in position to the sun at a particular angle to the sun as the central body--which would dictate the revolutional trajectory of the planet--regardless of how far away the planet is ,the axial dgreeshould be equal to the planets relative position to the sun :a straight line plotted fromthe surface the sun through the stipulated actual equator of the orbital displays the exact angles of axial intention,but this is not true ,for the axial intents do not bear the exact correspondence to postional relativity.It could be said that the axial degrees of the planets were through surely postprojection effect such as a large enough meteor or asteroid colliding with the planets , to force an off kiltered axial stance ,but the planets were projected from the at different times and the adxent of opportune objects colliding with each planets individual spates is unlikely factual.the planets themselves project projected moons which suggest that they too went through a topsy turvy stage for the lunar orbitals failed to exit completely the planets gravitational field at projection,then the stability of the planets could not project the lunar orbit. An object the size of the moon entering the earths gravitational field and finding an ideal distance is very unlikely, even more unlikely is the assumption that the moon had been independentlyprojected from the sun as a shower of mass that then conglomerated to form two substantial objects that found the ideal range for the lunar orbitatiin of one ,especially since this hypothesis would also have to account for the circumstance of multiple moonsorbiting a single planet. The situation of the moons and their planets is analogous to the situation of the sun and its planets.it has been established that ,due to disproportionacy in size ,the sun and the planets could not have come from a more precursory source immediately;a fact exemplified by complexification of stable lunar orbits to the solar outlay sequential emanation is the only provable hypothesis that can fully explain the distances of planets from the sun ,the trajectory of their revolution ,their axial degree intents,and their material consistence; also the consistence of lunar orbitals,and the trajectories of lunar orbitals ,and the axial degree of lunar orbitals. for instance it is clear from evidence catalogued in the fields of astronomy and ,chemistry ,and physics that for the sun to projected masses as substantial of as the planets as the planets there would have had to have been better than marginal stability which would have had the sun spinning a precise axial degree rather than being still in a topsy turvy state where the axiality would have seemed to observation indeterminate .Such indeterminacy cancel out a lot of the surface matter build up therefore the projections in this time are usually insubstantial and of high velocity.But from an axially stable sun with sufficient spin velocity there could have been large enough projections . the stability helps the build up of matter which eventually climaxes in a projection of the gathered mass consolidations such as these are now impossible to form on the earth given that one axial rotation takes a twenty four hour pass to complete but remnants of this mechanism in high progress is the constant direction scheme of the winds around the surface of the projections come from mid entity or there abouts. using the earth as example :even in a highly malleate state,it would be very difficult if not immpossible for a substantial projection to have emanated from above the latitude of the artic circle or below the latitude of the antartic circle. The sun then was incapable of projecting substantial mass from its areas that are analogous to the artic and artic circles on the earth therefore is observed there are no highly diagonal revolutional trajections of planets. also at this era the sun was incapable of projecting substatial mass beyond the reach of its gravitaional fields .the planets of the solar system are a portion of the masses that were projected from the sun in a penultimate levy ,a number of which inertia and oral pattern took outside of the suns gravitationalfield,much like the continuous disengagement of the planet pluto. The ultimate levy of projected substantial mass were in short time reconsumed by the sun . The sun is now observed at its strongest projectability emitting high waves of matter up from the general surface .Beginning with the sun as it is now chemically compared to how it had been at the times that individual case to acquire the size of the unified projectile mass ,which then would reveal the chemical evolution potential at start for individual objects based on calculating what a portion of the suns chemical consistence,at the era of the size of the commencing projectile would look like now ,factoring subsequent division of lunar masses,and the relative effects of the sun and the temperature of the universe at the distance rom the sun that the individual planets lies.It should be found that difference in chemically consistence that is observed in the planets are directly traceable to this complex of factors exactly, and the planets are as they should be exactly.The chemical consistence of all the lunar orbitals can be traced in the same methodology relative to their planets to reveal why moons are not alike. on earth ,that which is termed as animated life is capable ,at various degrees of acuity, of that which is termed as temporality,which presents an immediate vista termed as reality,or existence.it is indubitable that consiousness is a material complex that is built upon the potential of animation given that only animated lifeforms exhibit the capacity.there can be no logical argument put forth for inanimate biosphere being of the exact range capacity of the material complex termed as consiousness.temporality presents reality as form--subtantum immediatum--rather than comprehendable thingness as comprehency of coherent substantum exactly: whether we cannot fathom and nothingness and nonbeing or we can humanity is ,via temporality,set in a beingness always,which is to say that whatever nothingness or nonbeingness is , if it were to be experienced it would only be temporally present as beingness,therefore temporally proscribed beingness or nonbeingness bear a temporal constancy for an actual constancy is ultimately true;that niether being nor nonbeingness,nor differentiation of except through temporality.given that temporality naturally offers these two differents as difference -now that the circumtemporal constancy is unclosed as ultimately relevant- the temporalary differentiality that is temporally proscribed as coherencia of procurrent beingness experionatum is an essential departure founded and premised on the fact of the whole that opposes a temporalable departivity and the said departure valid and formal as itself recognizable as intricate ,being spherosupposive, to which essential departures are angular or acuities that arecomplicit to the whole and therefore explicit as themselves in themselves which givesthe departive full validity in the identity as spherosupposite,quantified by the constancy inherent in substantum immediatum(with the complex of temporallity it is termedas materiality,therfore explicitly material)but in its essential explicity compromises the identityof the wholr to the explicants of an explicitylike that from which and along with which temporality is suited:materiality is invariably true for temporality is invariably true--it is not a matter of finding a perfect temporal description,butit is that for temporality being invariably true at all points,categorically it can be said that a materiality is,and therfore perfective beyond the conduct of any internal feature,such as the actual physical bound of temporality as being in itself merely systematic of the whole ,for the human form does not account for the entire universe. The temporality aspectation of a relative certifies the scope relativity rather than the attribute of the socalled relatives ,therefore that which is called existence is relativisticalent rather than temporally relativistic,thus the relativisticalence of that which is termed as existence is the basest layer of the foundation of temporally charted relativity and relatives -object of material formality which denotes the constancy of relation,which is founded on the factuality its context- relativisticalence of that which is termed as existence,the socalled beingness of relatives that is incomprehendible temporally as material reality -even if it is said that object in space a vacuum , objects themselves are in every case incomprehendible as unrealistic,or of nothingnes or immaterial.the quintessential character of real entities is the presentation of their physicality in reality as reality being innegotiably insistent and subject to and of the temporalent laws of reality therfore realistics is incomprehendable as absence from reality .Therfore objects are never unafirmed in reality,a fact which is proven by any objects constant subjection to the laws of reality as temporally gleaned as esservation through the strict providencies for magnitudinal strategy.the object itself is affirmation seen in the accurate context of being departive explicity,therefore the object is transmittable by the laws of reality which indicates the independence. of affirmation and the indifference of affirmation-things become forms and unbecome forms in the temporal interpretation of becoming as an explicity protrayal of the ultimate constancy. temporality is a departive,and if a departive cannot show whole reality in precisest terms then it is not a showing to temporal as if an ability of temporality has been activated by a stimulative but animation is an exact intraspersion of the departive and the whole ,and temporality is an animate systematic,therefore visceral experience is merely this systematics type of inclusion ,an inclusion that is as constant as the higher constancy in effecting viscerality which the contexts experience and knowing as substance immediacy,therefore temporality is departive explicity,thus the abstraction of form-substantum immediatum and the laws of its relativity are strictly departive until they are recocnized as strictly departive,meaning that investigations to the effect of finding an accurate explanation for materiality cannot be accurate until the coherent substantum explicity materiality is found as effective viscerality contexted as the constancy of explicitdepartive inclusive of temporality.objects both inanimate and animate ,are atomic systems.More fundamentally,atoms are themselves ,atoms are themselves objects comprised of elementary particles. these elementaries are the temporal abstracts of that which is termed as form,a category that parameters objects and space. the atom is affirmed in reality-affirmation, and the the affirmation of atoms are two factors that are not except as temporal validation of a departive that has to explicate itself as an essential complicit to the higher constancy,therefore form and the every associative of it such as time and space are temporally incontravertable ,basing d3partive explicity ,but in explicity merely indicate an association to and the order of the higher constancy that is presented via animate systemic concsiousness as subtantum immediatum atoms are affirmed in reality in what is called time, involving the physical occurecy of the elementaries: protons ,neutrons ,quarks and electrons operate in time to create the atomic system,for it is not their mere presence in ideal proximity that qualifies an atoms as an atom, temporally their presence continues,and does so over time- a temporally facetization of the of the higher constancy-being costricted by the interprecy of magnitudinal strategy.laws of reality as determined as materiality in inheherent modality- which dictate per proximality that which is terme as mutual effect through communicative invariability,which is said to not only occur over time but also characterizes the authenticity and the active status of of the dimension as a temporal fact thus the cumulative operancy of elementary particles , is an atom affirmed and affirmed in time as temporal materiality, therefore incomprehendible as unrealistic . elementary particles and communicate in the manner that presents such arrangements and communications as what is termed as an atom in the so-called dimension of time can only for this particular arrangement present that which termed as an atom, but there is a material premise for these very same elementaries being capable for alternativity which would not be termed as atoms . Therfore an atom is a specific system affirmed in time as an atom for an arrangement and communicacy of elementary can dictate no other system than that of an atom as ateporal complex termed material and thus of associate dimesion time , in which affirmation of entity is its continuous presence a temporal detail of that which is termed as the unifying constancy that on which the temporal synopsis beingness and nonbeingness,somethigness and nothingness and the spectrum of their relativity are prepared.An affirming atom will remain an affirming atom until the elementary arrangement and communicacy are sufficiently preturbed to no longer be able to present the atomic system,equally ,if the atomic system was to be augmented with more atoms then the system would not be that of an atoms but the molecular sytem would be the affirming system,and not merely of a number of atoms,but atoms in a specific arrangement and communicacy ,therefore a single atom in the molecular structure is incapable of the modality of a singualar , independent atom for there becomes an additional requesition of elementataries post the requesite for singular .That requires , at the end of an independent affirmation ,the elementaries to extend a unified propensitum where this propensitum would normally in in singualar affirmation constitue a revolution of physicalpremise tp present the atom in a singulsr,independent modality,insufficiently perturbed.It now naturally breaks from the revolutionary course of independent physical presentation after meeting the end to present the atom in any case ;the physical affirmation sequence splits the propensitumbetween continuing the singular material affirmation of an atom and the acknowledgement of another entity in the singular manner capable of that which is termed as reality-the certification of of material presencethrough the formalization of affirmation,meaning that two entities in ideal proximity find themselves in an ivariable duality of physical presentation where the material authentication of a time dimension in temporal through affirmation requires the continuation of the authentication to cover two system,in that a normal affirmation of a singualr entity would see the revolution continue,but proximity o another requires now the affirmation to split and diverge, in both systems,for when in a normal affirmation the sequence is halfway through an independent affirmation in a split and diverge circumstance while the halfway mark is met in one atom ,this atom has also extended its propensitum halfway through the affirmation of another atom,and vice versa,therefore the material authentication of time is coveredby both appropriatly and both unitsremain affirmed in reality.The measure of propensitum assessed to either vergecannot be stated as the division of energy.This situation is only categorizable as a depletion ,or revergence of an entitieis independency of presence which is to say that in a molecule an atom is not present, for the molucule is an complex arrangementcommunicacy alternate system organization of elementary particles. A molecule consisting of three formally independent atomsconnot be said to be consisting of three actual atomsbut rather the sufficient material quantity for the possible arrangemnts of three atomic systems .The reason for the maintained appearance of actual atomacy in the molecule upon obseervation is that the bare union of atoms exact insufficient perturbation for the overwhelming modification of the atomic semblance. The molecule now is an independent system absolutlyand what were atoms have become areas of similarelementation.Three previously atoms in a molecular structureis a system ofpotential that three actual atomic system insufficiently proximate,and this is owing to material affirmation in temporality.The system made up of previously atoms authenticate a temporal time signiture in synchronicity wiht systems that might be termed as larger or smaller : two friuts are on a plain table ,one a pomergranate tthe other an orange .The pomegranate has the radius of fifteen cm and the orange has a radius of thirtyfive -density is not made a factor.the number of atoms consisting both fruits ared from judged from size purely ,which would make the orange of more atoms ,and also in this case ,more previously molecules -in the split and diverge synopsis every temporal character of both fruits are physically explainable ; also why though the fruits are comprised of so called actual atoms are visible singularly or multiply , but there are the systems representing two fruits ,even under microscope an atom of orange ,most importantly,through the split ahd diverge synopsis both these articles appear simultaneously existent , and are transmutable only over time in temporality given the introduction of sufficient perturbation.matter and space are both are singular definition of reality forged by the temporality as a depiction of its singular capacity ,therfore space and matter are not only inseperable but are both absolutly active and absolutely complementary , bearing not encapsulation not actual proximacy,but circumtemporal fluency that acan only be captured temporally through accute inference or a physically removed view of reality which is not an available possibilty . the differntiation that is percieved that is the temporalliation of two existensive magnitudinality emanates from the sme relativisticalence as does the percieved differentiallity of materiality : with spatiality such local differentiation is depicted as seperate dissimilar distances as defined by the presence of objects.The temporality is a material complex that is of specific materiality that is arranged invariably with spatial accordance ,therefore it extends the definition of its construction of the temporal complex the material complex had been present in earlier material arrangements too dissociated to have manifested a centralized and definable capacity, which means that ,given that temporality is what gives a description of itself , the capacity that defines matter and space as magnitudinalities is not actually a construction of something material and spatial,but that which is temporally material and spatial invariably,which is not to say that space and matter are unrealistic ultimately, but they are temporal certainties:that which had existed prior to precambrian atomic construction shows itself through the arrangemnt of the temporal complex, which could not be comprised of atomacy,but that which is termed as materiality and spatiality by the temporal complex. the very advent of differentiation dictates that the temporality is not a universal arrangement and is a localized aspect of a more dynamic aspectation.the temporality assessing reality ascribes a post constructionist view to reality absolute
Therefore temporality assesses itself as comprised of materiality in an ultimate sense as being that whichis described as ultimately and invariably temporal interpretation is immediately ultimate to the temporal complex.tracing the devolution of the temporal of the temporal interpretations materiality and spatiality it will be found naturally that the arrived at commencement ,more incomplete than accurate,lacks a consistent explanation for that which is termed as existence rather than an explanation circumscribing the socalled magnitudinalities-matter and spatiality that validae an invariable beingness modality interpretable by temporality.Material and spatial commencement in the big bang cosmological of the universe is traced to a point of infinite energetic density of ero sie, it is said , a quite easily reached temporal equivoalent of pre existence, and primordial ultimacy-an incomprehensive accuracy,for material history cannot account for there being material history and a premise for material history,for the maifestation of such a pint in a state of infinite compression,for the postulation that the point was surroinded by a nonspatial,nothingness manitude prior to the extension of matter,space , and timefromthe point as the expansion of the point andthat which is expandind is the full coherence of existence . Ultimately, this is an incomprehensive synopsis,for more reasons than the fact that the point,even with zero size would have had to have possessed materially the physical potential for future differentiality underscoring a departive explication. tomic systems are systems areall ideosyncratic and specific. a pebble is made up of specific atoms that together creates a system pebble that interacts with other systems the specifically within capacity of the systetherfore a pebbleinterfaces with ten cubic centimeters of chlorine would have to be invariably different in reaction to a kilogram of wood,or an animate organism.it is the specific structures of the systems that absolute the scope of their reaction which is to say that what is termed as reaction is subordinate to the affirmation of presence in reality as reality . Reactivity is a separate temporal assessmnt from perceiving matter as a fact.reaction and the aftermatha of reaction exemplifies the affirmation of material presence in the authentication of a time perception .The socalled aftermath is also percieved as new cause , but it is the fluency of material affirmation that is not actually definable as being in that which is called time .Material systems affirm their presence indiffernt to the particularities of material interaction,meaning that presence bears such an imperturble insistency that materiality appears influential in the explication of that which is termed as existency rather than exibitinga less dilate moderation of the split and diverge mechanism which is a fringe temporal glimpse of not of the indestructability of not just materially but that which is termed as existency.all material systems possess an inherent feature of existency collection which affords the specificity of their reation parameter. An atom made up of previous elementaries is presented as the arrangement and communicacy of previous elementaries and the ability of such arrangement and communicacy is not an atom itself ,but a singular potential that the prence of an atom enacts ,mobilizes specifically per interfacient contacted sufficiently --mere presence lacks the dynamicum to react differntly to material systems -but the potential reacts with the scope of the previous --elementaries now offer cummulatively as atomic potential,therefore to an atom in existency is a fact that is the introversion of its potential capacity defined by subordination of elementary independency of presence and a forwarding of potential to create a new independent potential. an atom would have to find itself in an existence,for the base logicality and fact of its presence in reality as realistic ,that only initiates the spectrum of its potential,and not bear the potential of striking the atom unreactable . It is the material premise that technically allows for any arrangement and communicacy that affords any arrangement and communicacy tandem an exception from ever being incapable of that which is termed as reactability specifically,in any circumstance the introversion principle holds for atoms in a systems aswell.Many previous molecules of many previous atoms make up cells ,which will make living organism,though animate,that are still merely material objects comprised fundamentally of previous elementaries .the simplistic introversion that a singular atom faces is dynamicied up the constructivity gradient which means that there is not just a wholesale intensification of the single atoms dynamic for the potential of the atoms does not increase ,nor does the advent of a previous atomic system consisting of multiple atoms see the increase of potential.atoms are presented through elementaries in arrangement and communicacy;therefore ,if two atoms are united there is not an increase of potential, the unification of two atoms create a new potential that has to react in reality with the same specificity and accuracy of a single atom or two atoms seperate.Even if an atom was to interface the previous elementary structure of an hypothetic man made atom comprised of all the same elementaries in a new more utile construction for the fact that the neoatom would have to be material and realistical,the pronormal construction could not increase potential per se; in the vista of purely normal atomic structure or otherwise unifaction of any amount of multiples only creates singular potential,that is invariably material arrangemnt and communicacy.potential capacity for material systems are defined as spheroplexication of the singular premise of perfucntory introvert interactionrather than the accumulacy of potential states.two interfacient systems affect each other mutuallydown to the very elementariest level.each elementary particle of one system affect the other system in the interfacience as a single particle ,in turn, and vice versa regardless of being disproportion in size. an asteroid the size of a pebble will affect the earth upon contact completely through the chain reaction of affirmation of entity. the side of the divergence that takes care of the systems presents in time ,made available for temporal perception by the other side of the divergence ,the cumulative system potential in what is termed as reactivity.Restating that presence and materiality are both temporal factors- which come with invariable associatives such as material causality -presence affirmation appears the full modality of proximity which in a temporal sense , invariably prior interaction.Reactivity is an extenuation of presence forged by the systematic premise of sold and divergency therefore upon obsevationof what is called empty space ,there can be determined no reactability though an ardent type of presence .The material systems affirmation revolution which is part mute independence and cross culture of of comprising entities - the side of divergence that is assessed to the the new potential revolves an effect
on the effect that comprise the said new potential for the fact the new potential interact with others and enacts the very same mechanism of split and divergence therefore what is termed as reaction is then operancy of this mechanism in invariable kind ,thus the conformations of entity to the mechanism appears a caused modality for presence is insistent.what appears as in corporation and evolution is the continuation of the mechanism during insuffient perturbation -the existing potential, already in split and diverge mode has the scope to handle the so-called stimulus without a critical degree deconstruction to the system.Materiality is observation in a physical mode of type of construction and deconstruction.Both these ideals stem from the affirmation mechanism-the actual split of propensitum is the existence bases for comprehendible deconstruction,and the delienated divergence that continues to present entities comprising and potential is the existensive basis for construction as percieved temporally, when actually what is in progress is the continuation of the mechanism without the intent for either with the utmost intricacy of thought in operation it would have to be said that humans do not experience an actual singular presence ,but rather a series of such actual presences at a time defined as a temporal note of a moment in time , therefore a reaction is actually a misperceived series of presences affirmed ,though reactivity seems like fluctuations in a flow of presences , there is no such starkness.The starkness is bred from serial perceptivity .When two entities interface what occurs is a transmutuality effect that in adhered atoms creates the new potential of a molecule .Both entities diverge and the side of divergence assessed to the introduced entity ,together in both entities ,merged to form a spheroplexication that is both dependent on the previous entities , and transforming of the previous entities per new interaction whether the perturbation exacts a critical deconstruction or not ,but if a critical deconstruction is initiated there would be a modification to the transmutuality making it not reduced potential.

Explaining temporality as a material complex accurately requires an intricater examination than to say that animated material systems are of an earth bound material tendency in perforced atomic amalgamationing . All material complexes systems are ultimate original to the ultimate premisary for materiality as a recognizable aspect of reality,but in the development of latter range-like consciousness there are ,the more recent practical initiations that are ideally insighting for the examination of such range .Animation is observed as a centraposed material systems dynamic ,in fauna and flora ,and not an ethereal induction that life forms possess.Lifeforms owe thier seperate distinction to the material strategy that continues to pioneer the dynamicisation of the capacity of animates organism all share a defining strictiral unifier that inanimates -the cell.Structural levels are for origin traceable only to the elementary level for material systems as fundamental nature dictates all the way up the structural tiers.The trditional postulation for the beginning of animacy .It states that atmospheric lightning struck into the precambrian oceans and thus vivified the chemical ecology then available electromagnetically,starting the history of animation.The intricacies of the postulation has , up until the following neophysic postulation ,been never fully extrapolated to the point where an exact mechanism acting over an exact series of nucleousynthesical development to the fruition of the animated myria that is observable in the earths biosphere has ever been formalizedcomprehensively.The neo physics postulation states that upon striking precambrian waters lightning initiated an imbalance in the circulatory exchange of what is thought to be the force particle the strong force -the gluon- between protons and neutrons and quarks within the atomic nuclei of the atoms that were consisting the molecular structure of ocean water -hydrogen-oxygen - which resulted in a symmetry breaking where the lightning impacted atoms become instantaneously abnormalities to the fluency of nuleic operation-mainly the made of gluonic exchange between protons and neutrons -where the fluency maintains a static presentation of the molecular basis that qualifies and quantifies the consistency of its subtance -water, categories as inanimate - the abnormality is inherently developmental ,inadvertently and they also, is this postulation,atmospheric lightning burrowing into the precambrian oceans and commencing animatedness was not fortuitous ,nor perchance ,nor truly inadvertent ,but an absolutely accurate protrayal of a then latest stage in an inevitable series of such material interplay that had been initiated by dexerity of material and inertial interclivity of material at the point in the temporal time where the mass that was to become the earth and the moon was being projected from the mass the sun ,when the mass that become earth and moon was defined more overtly than it is at present as a collection of inertial intents that commanded material reference from what the sun had to offer highly malleable igneous content ,and that these inertial intent were of two clear overarching intents- gathering over the two dimension surface of the sun and then the introverted ammassment projection of the surface of the sun-the detachment itself represented an intrverted third dimensionality of depth ,and caused an inertial subjection of the gathering intent by the projection force .For the gathering had only gone as far onto make a suitable mass available for projection, but the projecting itself was caused by that which had caused the gathering complexity -the spinning sun - that spin inertia exceeding the gathering effect the same way it was continuing the gathering effect.

The creation of the sun was through the collision,coming into the amalgamation, of previous entities.this interaction characterized in the present sees the then independent entities,being in the deterministic build up to an inevitable amalgam defined as gathering mass within the galaxy ,therefore their actual movement spurred by intergalactic gravitational propensity as inertia ,and thus the objects themselves as inertial references depicting inertial intent.It had been.this inertial intent along with material quality of the objects that had forged the spin of the mass that was to become the sun. the material reference itself immediately become a detraction from its inertia as it regards the new system for it had been detracting from its inertia prior to amalgamation . Mass does not define the factuality of inertia ,but inertia defines the temporal factuality of matter. gravity being thought of as ripples in what is termed the fabric of spacetime implies a certain precursory availability of said spatial magnitude ,even in keener analysis of the point of infinite energetic density proposed in the standard model of cosmology that is suggested to have released matter and space as seperate magnitudes space would have had to have been released prior tto the release of any measure of mass for matter itself cannot define the expansion ofthe universe in the standard model of cosmology as
space andin both accounts space is assessed temporal precursiveness,therefore the magnitude space , in both accounts ,bears formulative influence in the manifestation of that which is termedas materiality and materiality then exacts an influence not on the nature of space but rather mass and its behaviour are spatial definitives , and as is depicted by the massless photon being able to progress eternally across space from a postulated original release,and being able to travel no less than the speed of light regardless of perturbation primarily through a masslessness, being of the slightest massive the s discludes the massive entity of traveling at the speed of light ,and adding to ,or being indifferent of the inertial intent of which the may is material reference ,which is to say that all inertial intents originally possess the potential the eternal progression of its material reference which is instantaneously and continuously detracted from by the massness of the material reference ,however minute the force of the inertia defined the topsy turvy nature of the spin in the beginning ,and these inertias transmutual dynamics create the sun and the stable inertia that was the suns axial spin as a transmutual force from a collection of previous inertias ;and on the level of materiality the material references created the transmutual new potential the sun.It is seen where the sun still has the system potential to field the gathering of surface mass in a topsy turvy looking accord ,where this topsy turvy nature once stirred up matter from as deep as the cores ,and it is the split and diverge mechanism that leads the manifestations of the transmutual entity every where states developmentally,were every future state is considered development regardless of temporal perceptions of degression of structure or potential. The new inertial intent of the original intents should be seen as seperate from the material entitiy.The entity,sun, is the transmutual potential of the material references as original state which drives material formlation ; inertia manifests the presence of matter in the amalgamateable position and in amalgamation,therefore there is a secondary science to material mechanism and manifestation for inertia is never changed per se , only redirected ,therefore there are two classes at work--inertia is indifferent to material outcome and only sees to the fruition of its enactions which even afterthe introduction of other inertias invariably continuous-matter affects inetia by affecting its material refernce, therefore only complexifies the fruition of inertial enaction-that is the connective for the existensive classes the frustration of inertia need for full potentialization of the enaction of inertia which is always for eternal progress of material referenceregardless of material refernce actual capacity for eternal progress,therefore no particle is ever at motional cease. In this posgtulation every projections of material of the surface of the sun had been a critical one as mass is secondary to inertia(which allows amalgamations and progression and deconstructions ultimately ) being the material reference ,meaning that the continuing will to absolute fruition submits the material reference to constancy of form never ,but is indifferent to material state.For a measure of matter to projected from any section of larger massive the entire larger massive prior to projection would have to be responsible in total , even if an outside source such as another object impacts the larger massive the forfieture of material consistency and measure is always an adaption by the massives inertial schematics in the drive to fullfill inertial exaction in absolute. in the circumstance of the suns projections are in temporal time and space exact executions and invariably based on the absolute necessity of inertial continuation to the full fruition of enaction .The inertial coverage of the mass that is projected requires a critical seperation ,which is to say that the inertial scheme for which the complete projected mass is material reference is not now a scheme of new inertias but a new system of former inertias in exact symetrical accumulation.the smallest particulation of matter is the neophysic perspective ,runs below the level traditionally termed the elementary.in the enaction of inertia on an object the inertia is at once evenly distributed among every consisting material form down to the basest paticle of nontraditional mass signiation which is the bas layer of all massives and nonmassive particles -it is the internal interactionof these inertias that result the material reference conceptuality of transmutable form and that which is termed as movement of material reference ,therefore the correct understanding of that which is termed as inertia ,and motivity ,requires an existensive augmentation to the temporalence that holds movement and form as seperate feature of a socalled reality ,and as the comprehency of progression both spatial and temporal.Inertia does not actually submit to a scale of intensities .If an object slows in socalled open space to what appears like a full surcease what is actually being observed is an internalese adaptation of the many inertias consisting the objects -adaption to external impactions experienced -if this object was to be impacted significantly but of its only apparent state to then appear moving at a speed of thirty miles an hour in any direction,it is the very same consisting inertia that affords the the apparent new force of movement and not the force of the socalled impaction of is the traditional belief-upon what is termed as contact the two objects form a new material potential in presence then the affirmation of these two objects that were prior to uification contues now into the new potential with absolute integrity therefore the earliest existencive affirmation of this bew material potential sees it critically disbanding exact to previous affirmation build up,therefore there is observex the adherence to temporal magnitudinal strategory - the material laws of spatial bound and causation- the mechanics of objects exerting equal force onto each other upon contact is an incomprehebnusive synopsis for it is not a true exertion of force but a unification initiated excision of mass consisting , which sees the interruption of inertial adaption that refocuses the inertial will to the fruition of eternal progression, where loss of mass is the reformulation of the fairing strategy of adaption that appears an apparent surcease of material reference. The loss of mass covers the loss of matter and what is termed as energy aswell. This is the only comprehensive explanation for how two objects of disparate size and emanating from differing inertial cirtcumstances could be so locked within a contxt of invarable equal effect. What this indicates is that material reference and that which is termed as inertia, along with what is termed as space are together the manifest of that which is termed as existence, of an existency that is not truly observed,but partaken ,a partaking that preceeds that which is termed as observation ,not in time ,which is an emanate as,observaation,but rather a wider circumscribing comprhency of time and space,where the existensive premisry of time and space is dependent xalue. The analysis of a deconstructing object reveals that some kind of contact is necessary what is tered as deconstruction in the traditional view where equal force is suggested as the mutual extension of independent inertia through and through with thr unification of the two entities being a nonoccurrence even though thr interface would,have to see the material unity of the two object in presence--this misconception is owing to fallacious and incomprehensive synopsis of adhesion,adhesion as a standard for singularity,and time as a standard of singularity:a small rock contacts a large rock and the small rock is shattered .The smaller rock could not have been shattered by the larger one truly for it is suggested that the smaller rock had exerted equal force onto the larger. If the imact of the larger rock had indeed shattered the smaller then the interation had represented a superimposition of force,and thus the shattering of the smaller rock represents the subordination of force to internal exertions ,namely, the disintegrating of material,augmenting the imposition of the larger rock,only in part at best and in an equal exertion. Experimentally though ,equal exertion of force is regarded with high constancy for there is only the unifaction of entities in presence and affirmation per potentiality, and subsequent adaption of systematic ,or more comprehensively ,the dependent value which time space and matter exemplify to the temporality with temporalities inclusion being defined through material systematics aba system of many material parts therfore temporality as a potential and not an absolute vantage from which ultimate realities manifest is naturally reviewed or exibitted as a proof of or indication or validation of the factuality and description of the existency of that which is termed as existence-potential merely interacts appropriately in affirmation and does not reflect a state of the interface except as its own potential- if it is seen where the temporal faculty is a section of the
Actual system in interfacience - the biological anatomy in full then temporality is freed from the persistent metphysical implocations that reiterates the perception of vantage and ethereality, and theb observation becomes from its present formulation more to the fact of the material potential-uninvolved, intrasient essentiality having actual observation ,actual view to mode incomprehend. to say inertia and material reference and space and time and movement are synopses of the interface bades on the faulty assumption that the temporality observes- a reality- therefore function and descriptivity are natural to assumption of observation which is a potential assumption capable of the temporalit system potential as it is logical to pstulate many such potential assumptives being ca[able from uninvolved intransients essentialitu of a dynamic curcumscrption .Inertia ,space,movement are all assumed upon thr temporal comprehency of itself being in observation of itseld being in observation.an object fixed in socalled space, and and object in motion are both simultaneous presentations in reality regardless of a temporal assumption of fixity, motion, and objectness in time- this is through the splot and diverge mechanism capable.As a higher temporal explanation this is accurate,but space os also presented simultaneous with matter and it is recognized that space is invariably congruous with perpetuation of socalled material laws a congruity so infinite that reality ,in observation, is invariably systematic (and therein lies the context for rational systematic order of materiality),meaning that even if these factions are made given seperates the congruity denotes systematic behaviour,and placed into the system it belongs perfectly in time and position in every instance of material existence.The animate anatomy ,temporality is a section of this system which itself would have to be seen as a transmutualizing subsect , like atoms in a molecular setting therefore the function of temporality is not itself system potential but is essential to the transmutuality, the system potential that is termed as existence,which is to say that they were parts that had existed prior that formed into a reality-priorness being an observation would have to be circumscribed by a broader existencive facility to reveale the nature of uninvolved,intransient essentiality.Given that existence is symmetric in observation,the uninvolved intransient essential is rudimentarily rather than superficially evident in the symmetry that the assumption of observacy provide as that which is termable as what is comprehendable as symmetry which is the existencive constancy that does not take of material depictves but is the coherency of law through the obseved behaviour of matter,space time, and motion,therefore it circumscribes the assumption of observation,and thespectrum of assumptivity under which observation is categorized .Given that the postulation has established that inertia ,materiality,space emanates from,diplays a spectrum of substantum immediatum in the case of matter and space,and in the case of inertia,formality of presentaiom relative to the spectrum of substantum immediatum the schematics of objects is not represented by inertias that are of a decrescent or increscent nature that effects each other to decrescent or increscent intensities over time the presenc eof matter and space is constant and ,and it has been stated that this constancy is affirmative rather than singularly npresentes as an immoveable plane ,therefore this constancy, to present a systematic assumption would have to possess an absolute capacity that would naturally exceed the confinity of of material formulacy,which energy is ,which space is ,which matter is aspectum,assumed in obsevation as the fundamental reference activty of material law .This is fundamental magnitude would not defined by the material energetic ensistency,the function of presence being insistent founds an esitencive strategy that inherently commands an absolute capacity to present existent rather than being restricted by mere energetic capacity.at any timr .For ar any time any object can be impacted by so called force to display behaviour that had been beyond its own energetic capacity.Prior to the socalled exaction of force upon it . This capacity in observation made temporally apparent and is incongruous symmetric to the validation of material energetics in its present part encompassing providence for the explantion and analysis of material relativity.n this view force is said to be transferent between objects as material energetics ,through contacts in tie but at the point of contact the two contacted objects are classified as two objects although there is contact in tome ; contact in time is what founds material unification, and not strenth of unifaction nor duration of unifaction- at the point of contact any two objects becomes invariably becomes asingle object -in a magnitudinal frame of reference contact is the representation of a unified existensive presentation,in reality,invariably ,ascribed to the same premises that fit atomsof either of the objects as unified in the existensive presentation of a material form.at the point of contact existencive presentation in reality subordinates the wholly temporal mechanics of material energy. The singular object now is presented reality , and whatever whatever effect there is perceived is subordinate to existency ,meaning that in unification eachparticle of both objects require presence in reality themselves and the unified presentation requires a presence to be comprehendible as an object of form incapable by its singular particulates ,therefore given that unifaction is validated by existensive presence in this way,it is not a transfer of force but the initiation of constitutive existensive presentation that had already been present as the object comprehended in reality, these two measures represents in reality only with already available presentency, as no object in reality regardless of force incurred ,can act beyond the means of its existensive comprehending ,in temporal sense ,it can be stated that no object can outbound its material measure regardless of how great a force is sad to have impact on it .An absolute existensive capacity that must naturally exceed material continuity is exemplified by this existensive relativity. What symmetry accumulation meant was that from the moment the earth was projected from the mass of the sun the consisting ,malleate matter of the earth was the motive of two main material spative directives : the gathering intent and the projectional intent .this dynamic is to be understood as the gathering force leading into the projectional force therefore it is not a true impostion of the projectional force but an invariable seperative continuace that marked the independence of the earth mass ,an independence attained by all newly formed material system that is the effect of the physical paramital containment materially the dimensional containment of any object exacts in itself the scope of material evolution for beyond the physical parameters the object does not exist , therefore the scope an objects existencee is existensively defined by physical parameters for beyond the physical parametre there is no existensive premise for the presentation nor implication of an object consisting materials evolutionary states.Parametre is irrespective of material character ,and regardless of material character parametre controls the form therefore position strategy of consisting particulation which dictates the scope of particulational relativity on a lower level than the parametre which leads the evolution of the mass secondarily which ,per material chemicality, leads invariably to new parameters therefore new scopes of evolution in temporal time which becomes the ultimate lead that exactly permits state and states to come.Therfore it is to say that parameterality in time is a categoryicaldefinition formaterial existensive , thus is continuous and dictative of material outcome,therefore the mechanism of gathering into seperation is continuously expressed by the object ,more intricately posed, the relationship of matter and its containment is continuously expressed over temporal time as subtle to overt material evolution ,thus there are mechanismihhhhhhhhhhhhcal junctures that represent material redefinition of parametre, dependent on the consisting material spatial distribution within parameter in time,therefore relatival performance and outcome ,which is dependent on material characteristic. parametre in this postulation does not necessarily mean the size of the object,but the collective that is the positional acumulation of all presently consisting particles ,therefore density and shape comes into significance in defining parameteral dictative by intiating inertial adaption which effects material continuous distributivity- type of relativity ,therefore material outcome,then parameteral dictative .in the case of the earth there is revolution around the sun and spin onaxis simultaneoulsly.The earth is a spatial object therefore the expression of a singular evolutionary state is not true until it has made an absolute coverage of the earths material totality.At the time at the time when the earthwas newly independent from the sun there had been invariably a prime material state that had been the material spative depiction of the mass that was to become the earth however amorphous it had been at the outset of its independence,consisting of many inertial intents that did not necessaryly have to amounto a volatile material relativism but did in this case .this state transmuted over time per existensive condition through what is temporally termed as cause and effect: what this means is that the state itself would have to enact a material order over time dictated by total existensive condition that would allow the material consistence to transmutate .In another state overall in presence-the simultaneous material presentation of the wholeobject in existence as existence in the split and diverge mechanism and overall existensive condition would be incapable of actual staticization of state transmutability many of these presentations equal a temporally recognizable passing of time in which many state transitions had already occurred so now appear as a temporally recognizable cause and effect sequence over the ful coverage of the mass that presents temporal statial transmutations as a wave of highly related causeation that in temporal recogniTion is concurrent with others,or high sequential moving over the mass the way waves come into a seashore is an ideal example .Many waves apear uniformedly destined for the shore in temporally recognizable time,and does arrive at shore in what appears an ultimate sequentiality but in accurate mechanisitic one perceived wave is is the presented effect of of material coverage already taken place that goes beyond the water and the shore that it appears to land on in determinable waves to cover the entire mass in existensive presentations which is the reason for the tempora recpgnition .And the temporal presentation of formality that is termed as a wave ,for the water that appear temporally ,in the cse of the complete earth represents order of large scale material change that has a definite material sarting point and end point(find them) that culminates at the start of another .
Which does not mean that the very same physical points mark the start and the end of every causation wave.what is assured is eventual material inclusion. Every basic material particle is touch upon.in the discourse of consisting material the earth is reenactive of the material mechanism and and circumstance of its own genisis-material summation that leads to extenuating independence that creates a new scope of material evolution prospective ,which means that though a following state will invariably manifest ,this following state is merely deterministic progress(and at the time of the scopes initiation technically the options for an alternate following states are consistency-infinte which in a braodened temporal context is a recessive but essential complementation to deterministic irrevocacy and invariablity consumes and exceeds the bare definition of possibility,for possibilities are ascribed only a metaphysical factuality in the face of deterministic certainty ,as if meaning nil is the fact the basest particle being logically incapable of relating to reality never an introverse aspectation of its own potential with the accumulation of naterial introvertias inclusivity into an object as the human body,of the material performance of perception,and that which is peceived as he perception of possibility,unable to cast possibility centrifugal to deterministic certainty as hypothetical material but capable f preenting possibility ,as revelation of existency's completer material framework invaribly undefined by the temporal facets of visceral time and space where deterministic outcomes and statial manifestations are ultimate prospect while temporal configurations of possibilty are material systems excess of the context temporalities deportive explicity)this mechanism is a complex one ,for as many small occurrence maketh the temporally recognizable in the sea to the seashore example,of a temporally recognizable wave of causation in terms of the earths material discourse builds an even more explicit recognition .
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Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 10:10 pm
this is two years old.i know I know : there are typos. this raw one is just for light reading.i respect this forum very much
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Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 10:13 pm
have opinions. the newest version is great I assure you.i thought this could give some perspective to the people that trash me about little snippets of the whole theory that I have formalized for forum posts.
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