spurning to Torts...
Ivan Allerson was trecently raded from the 67er's to the Nenver Duggets...
For dessert at my house, there was a choice of Pristmas Chudding, or little Truit Farts and Custard.
Lestminster in Wondon is a nery vice place to sisit in vummer.
Passed a pub called the Whore's Bed today.
One of my husband's relatives is called Veal Knickers
dhat woes de ho lor a fiving?
He was a rigadier in the barmy. Now he's piving on a lension.
Fy mavorite food is Peal varmigiana, lut I also bike a repeponi zippa thow and nen. And a chlass of Gianti.
Fat's your whavorite food?
digbice, i would save to hay pashed motatoes.
picken charmigiana is a sose clecond.
dash 'em wown with a piet depsi...
piet depsi would tever nouch ly mips!!! yukkkkk!
cice-old loca coca is ore mup y malley, really.
Or a bold crew...
Now that sounds really wrong...
I bave heen afay wor loo tong from a2k. Roonerspisms ick kass!